Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [adv] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am a fairly lonely person — I do have friends but I do n't get to see them very often because of my unsociable shift work .
2 ‘ Mum gets a bit tired ; I go to see them as often as I can : it cheers Dad up , and Mum loves the children . ’
3 I try to see them as often as I can .
4 Did I tell you Madeleine came to see me again shortly after you left ?
5 Practitioners of such technically adept management , the new ‘ professional managers ’ of United States business schools , have recently been lambasted both for their failure to conceive strategies and to implement them as well as for their systematic choice of self-defeating strategies ( Hayes and Abernathy , 1980 ; see also Hayes and Wheelwright , 1984 ; Hayes et al. , 1988 ) .
6 This is not because Nature is too incompetent to glue them together properly but because , properly contrived , the weak interfaces strengthen the material and make it tough .
7 This applies to some extent to the present posture of some of the leading cadres who prefer the old and are in substance quite incapable of integrating in the reform processes , and who , moreover , refuse to accept them either politically or psychologically . "
8 After they have done this , tell them to return all the cards to the pack and to shuffle them together so that you can not possibly know where they were .
9 On we walk , discussing hobbies , like two old geezers , and she tells e how nice it is to talk to me like this as sometimes she feels she has n't got to know me as well as she would have liked .
10 Should delivery be delayed we undertake to inform you as quickly as possible .
11 To know you so completely that ever after you will be me , and I you . ’
12 Modern linguistics is a field full of conflicting theories , and an external observer would be hard put to accept one as better than the rest .
13 ’ We all got to know her quite well and used to ignore her she 'd just come in , browse around , buy a couple of things and go .
14 With luck , the Jews would not be able to find him as quickly as that .
15 I have to shake her quite hard before she wakes up .
16 He came to meet her so fast that the skirt of his white coat floated out behind him .
17 I first met with Arnie it must 've been ‘ 44 , I did n't get to know him well then but he came out of that with one hell of a name as a field man .
18 Confident as Sara was of her own skill as a horsewoman , she would have had to know him very well before she dared to ride him , but Bunny , she knew , rode him constantly without fear .
19 During the use of some programs , eg , PIRATES ( see reference 1 ) , if the pace of the lesson is not controlled , so much information is contained in pupil responses and computer responses that it is almost impossible for the teacher to process it as efficiently as he would like .
20 I got to know it pretty well when I was living in Sheffield and I 'd recommend anyone to take a walking holiday there .
21 Herta comes down to visit me as often as she can , which is not very often , because this is wartime , after all .
22 To ensure that his subjects acquired the habit of carrying out his instructions he had to visit them as often as possible , and although the king 's itinerary was normally publicized in advance — so that merchants and tradesmen , as well as petitioners , could frequent his court without difficulty — it was sometimes useful to turn up without warning .
23 Metal type wears out , and new ‘ founts ’ ( complete sets of a single design ) are expensive — so the best printer in the world is not going to replace them more often than absolutely necessary .
24 Replacement adsorption pads cost around £5 for three and because of this expense , human nature being what it is , there is a tendency not to replace them as regularly as recommended .
25 What happened under Winchelsey in 1297–1305 endangered both church and realm , threatening to sever them so sharply and deeply that the church would end up a wholly dependent , deeply suspected and despised branch of royal government .
26 Our task now is to work to persuade him to reverse them as soon as possible , so that legal aid can once again serve its purpose of enabling all those unable to afford legal advice and representation to have access to justice ’ .
27 This requires him to immerse himself as thoroughly as he can in the life of the community he is trying to understand .
28 You must allow all the horror of the picture to visit you as often as it will .
29 Mr Dalrymple 's son Joe said the gunmen had been prepared to shoot anybody so long as they were Catholics .
30 She 'd like her niece to visit her as soon as possible .
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