Example sentences of "[to-vb] [pron] [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 So er I thought a alright then , so I I went off like and I just heard erm and said , I went up to see her mother like and , I told her mother about it , like and that and erm her mother says different now , that she came round to see me at the time to tell , to give me a telling off like over her friend .
2 It is worth mentioning , all the same , that a time will come when a frequent absentee can be fairly dismissed and that a failure to consult him at the time of dismissal will not necessarily mean that the company will be powerless to resist an unfair dismissal claim .
3 Mrs A. W. wrote : ‘ I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time and effort you have put into compiling this diet which has made a bigger difference to my weight and dimensions than any other diet I have been on … . ‘
4 Many like this team from Calgary in Canada , only managed to free one in the time .
5 On a large site pupils will not be able to cover everything in the time available , so pupils can be divided into groups and instructed to investigate different topics or features .
6 England captains must not do things like that , but they had not been able to sack him at the time because of the provocation he had been under ; now that he had stepped out of line again he gave them a heaven-sent opportunity to administer the axe .
7 His friends and colleagues were trying to persuade him at the time that this would not be wise — what on earth would happen to the British election campaign if the country had to go to war in the Gulf half-way through ?
8 This County Council failed to do it from the time , time it was formed until eighty-five ; it failed even to address the problem , never mind do it , and we 've been trying to , to sort of do some catching up .
9 The reasons that we need guidelines now is we had n't time to study them at the time and up to the present moment , as far as I 'm aware there 's one section that 's just been formed a couple of months ago .
10 The big four have asked all Japanese corporations with equity-financing plans to postpone them for the time being .
11 He was 55 years old in 1860 , living in Lambeth as a bachelor — perhaps with nothing much else to interest him at the time ?
12 It is of little use to remember the answer to an examination question as you leave the room , or to say later with head in hands , " But I knew it so well " , surprised at your ability to remember it now but your inability to recall it at the time when you most needed it .
13 ‘ I myself was much too young to question it at the time , but I found out later that there was a good deal of mystery surrounding his death . ’
14 He did not know what to do with it , Hailsham being far too busy to read it at the time .
15 Everything that happens to you has been chosen by your spirit so there must be a reason , even If you are unable to see it at the time .
16 I construe this agreement as a promise by the husband to pay his wife 30s. a week in consideration of her promise to maintain herself during the time she is living separate from him , whether due to her own fault or not .
17 With the political will we could begin to change it from the time of the first by-election of the present parliament .
18 In Gregory 's account , Chlodomer , before setting off to Vézeronce , asked his half-brother , Theuderic , to accompany him , and the latter agreed ; but when Childebert and Chlothar asked him to join them at the time of their later campaign against the Burgundian kingdom , he refused .
19 ‘ Keep it to remind you of the time when Eddie 's little sister was n't good enough for you ! ’
20 ‘ Oh , no , she 's going to tell me about the time when she arrived at King ‘ s Cross station , pregnant , with a wage-packet in her pocket and no home . ’
21 Uncle used to tell me about the time when the primitive Methodists and the Wesley Methodists were joining up .
22 ( c ) the willingness of the offeror to commit itself to the time and expense involved in a contested bid ;
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