Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] your [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Imagine — with Air Miles you do n't have to wait for your annual summer holidays to come around .
2 You 're ready to go for your first sail .
3 Any other information that you wish to include for your own reference such as tension dial settings , type , colour and brand of yarns for example , can also be entered on the TENSIONS screen .
4 In particular I would like to know about your own background rather than having to guess at this while reading about a set of fictional characters .
5 You will continue to train during your first posting [ normally to a shore-based establishment ] when you will gain your City & Guilds 706/1 .
6 If you say , ‘ Well , of course , yes , I can easily explain that , but basically we 'll transfer the the , the handling of the enquiry to A Department , which of course has responsibility to B , but B ca n't do that without C , ’ you have to know in your own organization that that 's the way the procedure works , but it will mean nothing to the listener .
7 How might your boss react if you turned up to work in your best disco gear ?
8 Or , at most , they allow you to plug in your own cassette tape-recorder , but that 's a very slow and not very erm professional way of looking after for example your customer records .
9 The best way , however , is to benefit from your own experience .
10 The Social Fund — You may also be able to get a loan or a grant from the social fund to help you with expenses which are difficult to meet from your regular income .
11 Dear Guitarist I have been meaning to write to your fine mag for a long time , but whenever I was about to put pen to paper someone else got there before me with the same topic .
12 ‘ Passed up a couple of total certs to come to your bloody bun-fight , ’ she complained , though she was looking at the poor child all the time , with her eyes half-closed and tossing her head so the sockets would catch the light .
13 Whatever you decide about pregnancy , it is advisable to seek support from the sources that will allow you to come to your own decision , in your own time , and not force you to make a decision that is based on their belief and judgment rather than yours .
14 You will need time to adjust to your new body image .
15 We 've been telling our chief executives that even though you ca n't get the sales then at least try to work on your working capital , try and get your working capital er , ratio down .
16 ‘ you were allowed to work on your own initiative .
17 After all , you do n't invite the left in to gloat at your own failure .
18 You may like to add the name of one or two referees to your c.v. , either to vouch for your general honesty and reliability or to confirm that you have the skills and experience you claim in the c.v .
19 I 'm not trying to pry into your personal relationship , ’ stammered Melissa .
20 Use the time to reflect on your disgraceful behaviour — and resolve never to disobey me again . "
21 This was not how to behave to your young son , but there was something about Steve 's behaviour now that drove her on .
22 As the triggers that motivate us may change according to circumstance , the ability to listen to your inner voice and let it direct you is a useful one .
23 Well , apparently that used to be the official advice er and , and we were correct in that but the authorities have now changed their minds and they no longer want us to pour waste chemical down the drains and I gather that the official advice now is that surplus diluted chemical should be poured , and I 'm quoting here , on to more or less level and bare soil in the garden or on to level gravelled paths , avoid disposal in areas around ponds , erm water courses and so forth , dishes and , and what have you and as far as undiluted chemicals are concerned , that 's stuff still in the bottle , the advice there is to talk to your local authority cos they have different regulations in different areas .
24 The Amsterdam Travel Service Cycling Holiday allows you to explore at your own pace the colourful landscape in what is arguably the most beautiful area of the Netherlands — ‘ t Gooi en Vechtstreek or ‘ The Garden of Amsterdam ’ .
25 You can find out more about the sites to visit at your nearest Tourist Information Centre or English Heritage property .
26 The freedom of your own car enables your to visit at your own pace , any of the lovely towns and villages that Holland is famous for .
27 Seriously , I am sorry to hear about your duetting partner .
28 ‘ And , talking of old school-friends , ’ Julie said , pausing in the doorway of her bedroom , ‘ your cousin Liz telephoned from New York to say hello , and she was delighted to hear about your new position in the firm . ’
29 ‘ I 'm sorry to hear about your bad news .
30 Would that have been about the time you went back to the car to look for your nine iron ? ’
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