Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] their [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Does the Minister agree that the best right for the people of the United Kingdom under any citizens charter would be the right to live and to go about their daily work without the continual threat of terrorism ?
2 The solution was a simple one : employ priests with the sole responsibility of singing the memorial requiems so as to allow the parish priests to go about their customary role of caring for the spiritual needs of the living .
3 With less reliable means of reaching the station , with perhaps less requirement for haste , and less opportunity to understand the timetables or gauge time by any other means than the sun , these passengers used all the patience of the peasant to wait for their appropriate train .
4 He himself removed the aspidistra and put a match to the fire before departing to see about their frugal meal .
5 The rest of the class then use these pictures as evidence , discussing the implications of what they are shown in order to plan for their next journey back in time .
6 But his belief in the ability of the proletariat to see through their false consciousness through ‘ praxis ’ , relating knowledge to the material context of action , seems a vain hope — especially with hindsight .
7 And there is the all-important local pull , with staff and graduates keen to write for their own university press , strongly supported in EUP 's case by the scholarly expertise of its Press Committee .
8 Readers will work hard at a text if they need to know something about their favourite football player or team , if they want to know about their favourite singer or group , if they want information for a project that really interests them , or if they need information a make something or improve their performance in some way .
9 It is common for patients to appear for their first out-patient appointment with one or other of these problems , which has been going on for the previous few weeks .
10 Some owners of compound eyes have another bonus to compensate for their poor resolution , and that is the rate at which they can perceive images .
11 Furthermore the company bought the land at its agricultural price , with little or no premium paid to compensate for their original trespass and disturbance .
12 It seems that if Caribbean parents are not too preoccupied with the ‘ struggle ’ to bring their kids up , and there is every reason to believe that , due to the aftermath of migration , familial ruptures and large , possibly unmanageable families , it is a struggle , they are so eager to compensate for their own lack of education that they encumber their children with over-ambitious objectives backed by inflexible , often demoralizing , discipline .
13 The most voiced reason for having a baby is that the parents can give what was not given in their own lives , to compensate for their own emptiness .
14 They embraced the myth of revolution to compensate for their own inadequacy , as a substitute for love , friendship , human affection .
15 The leaders , who were paid a small amount to compensate for their organizational work , recruited seven other team members ; there were eight such teams .
16 Emphasis is placed on the responsibility of individuals to provide for their own welfare needs and those of their dependants .
17 Yet Montupet is recruiting people from a heavy engineering background to train for their new plant .
18 An issue that typically divides them — and caused the largest opposition group , the Democratic Party , to split at its congress last month — is whether to compromise with the Communists or to work for their complete removal .
19 The original intention that the poor could be put to work for their own support , or even show the country a profit , was one which developed out of the Elizabethan founding idea of the " parish stock " .
20 Where heavy demand or deficiencies existed , small-scale traders such as mechanics , carpenters and plumbers would be allowed to work for their own profit .
21 There are some things which no one would wish to know for their own sake , some subjects which have no possibility of being endowed with general significance .
22 Alternatively , they may continue to worry about their initial error of judgement instead of making a revised plan of action to get into a good position for the base leg and approach .
23 And with the millions of insects buzzing , crawling , flying and swimming about , all needing to communicate with their own kind and with other associated species , but not with the millions of other creatures , this would seem to be essential to avoid confusion .
24 Two are about to leave Oxford University to work with their former professor — Tony Cheetham — and five other students who have already settled in California .
25 Additional allowances that can be paid include a constant attendance allowance , exceptionally severe disablement allowance , and reduced earnings supplement , which is paid to those who are unable to work in their normal occupation as a result of industrial accident or disease , and can be claimed either in addition to or separate from disablement benefit , payable where appropriate .
26 Most of the uniforms and CID from all over the county are offering to work in their spare time . ’
27 Popularly , it is attributed to social philanthropy , and to successful campaigns to relieve people from the need to work in their old age .
28 The programs are designed to enable students to work in their own time and at their own pace .
29 It was over 150 years ago that he saw the need for working men to have somewhere to meet in their spare time , to talk and relax .
30 Whatever the outcome , banks are sure to suffer from their ill-judged business with Federconsorzi .
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