Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Today the president , Mrs Macpherson , in between gracefully shaking hands with each new arrival and presenting her to Mrs MacDonald , decided that she was nothing but a vulgar upstart , and she trembled with suppressed irritation at having to stand in the same receiving line with her .
2 And finally , some concluding remarks are offered on the ways in which additional linguistic frameworks may be brought to bear on the same linguistic data .
3 They are all , however , designed to work by the same physiological principles , and on this basis they have common components .
4 I always have to talk about the same damned things …
5 Do n't you contribute to this picture of Dudley Moore by continuing to talk about the same old things ?
6 They therefore have much more freedom and scope for accommodation , and are much less likely to conform to the same fixed pattern .
7 Alliance councillor Larry Thompson warned that if such a motion was passed and implemented it would act as a catalyst encouraging other groups and organisations to apply for the same free waste collection .
8 For example there were evident differences in lexical incidence between items which had been thought to belong to the same phonological set ; get and never in contemporary Belfast vernacular did not pattern in the same way as items such as wet and wedding , and so could not be considered as tokens of the variable ( Ε ) ( see further 6.7 ) .
9 And it raised the question of whether , if he plays again , Syd 's body will allow him to bowl with the same rampaging style .
10 Are we to continue with the same inadequate medicine for the same old obstinate sickness ?
11 Sound symbolism is not just a matter of a certain number of words containing certain sounds happening also to fall into the same semantic area .
12 Each of these problems is similar enough to fall under the same broad heading but distinct enough to create confusion as the problem-solving proceeds .
13 But as mystics these medieval women , though " taking the route [ they ] would be likely to take " , join with their male counterparts to point to the same inner journey into the truth of the Incarnation — a wisdom which transcends human distinctions and where " there is neither male nor female .
14 Although this will not usually result in equipment and other resources lying totally idle , it will undoubtedly cause neighbouring hospitals , intent on getting their share of the market , to invest in the same expensive technology , which is then underused .
15 Ten years later , still in Pig Street , things were rather different : there were more children to cram into the same limited accommodation , but by the middle of 1795 they were motherless .
16 ‘ Every person no matter how handicapped , has been called by Christ to share in the Same divine life ’ ( Pope Paul VI )
17 The great grandchildren of those who had been gulled by the infantile speculative ventures on offer during the manic South Sea Bubble phenomenon had obviously been conditioned to react in the same wild way .
18 There was to be no self-dramatisation and nothing that would set Amnesty International apart from the very people that it was seeking to protect from the same potential threat .
19 ‘ He told me about the importance of eating and drinking on the course to maintain my energy level and to keep on the same emotional level throughout a round . ’
20 Determined to respond in the same offhand manner with which he had made the announcement , she simply tossed her head .
21 Now suppose that Pathway 1 needs the succession of enzymes A1 , B1 and C1 , in order to synthesize a desired chemical D , while Pathway 2 needs enzymes A2 , B2 and C2 in order to arrive at the same desirable end-product .
22 ‘ I in no way dissent from this reasoning , but I should myself have been content to derive the same conclusion from the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or in paragraph ( a ) upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
23 ‘ the broader consideration that Parliament must have intended rating authorities to act in the same high principled way expected by the court of its own officers and not to retain rates paid under a mistake of law , or … upon an erroneous valuation , unless there were , as Parliament must have contemplated there might be in some cases , special circumstances in which a particular overpayment was made such as to justify retention of the whole or part of the amount overpaid .
24 Auxiliary need tends to occur in the same syntactic environments as at all , ever and any , which are typically found in so-called non-assertive sentences .
25 To speak in the same right tones , a causal circumstance can be said to comprise everything needed so as in a way to guarantee its effect .
26 But the whole thrust of the poem militates against serious meditation here on the transient and subverted joys of human sexual liberty ; rather it identifies those as facts for us to note and to submerge within the same sardonic amusement at human folly that Margery , in particular , seems to invite .
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