Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the man [Wh pn] " in BNC.

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1 I began to grapple with the man who was holding me .
2 The parents of the young victims left the court in tears … unable and unwilling to comment on the man who killed their children .
3 The third was to talk to the man who had been in love with Irene Pitt .
4 This is not what I want to hear from the man who once shook me to the core with a string of incendiary albums .
5 As for the Scottish envoys … first , a journey by land is too dangerous ; secondly , our good King Henry believes this is a Scottish matter and does not wish to intervene officially ; finally , Queen Margaret and her household , on the other hand , do not wish to be seen to have anything to do with the men who drove her from Scotland . ’
6 It had taken all her strength to go to the man who thought children were special .
7 Breeze turned to glance at the man who had just entered the shop , and saw that it was Roger Kenyon .
8 They are the dishes invented or popularized by the bargemen of the Rhone and their wives , and by the proprietors of the humble inns and charcuteries who used to cater for the men who worked the inland waterways .
9 She turned to gaze at the man who 'd approached silently and stood a little behind her on her left .
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