Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 Why was it everyone seemed to go for the easy way out ?
2 Of course I 'm sorry , for some strange reason I thought we were going that way , I 've got to go through the other way have n't I ?
3 But on the other hand it 's just another part of the learning curve that these lads are having to go through the hard way — in international rugby rather than before they reach that level .
4 A feeling began to emerge that the advantages of the new approach might be long- rather than short-term , but the dichotomy between wanting to work in the new way because of its potential advantages and ‘ Are we ever going to get the syllabus done ? ’ continued to be problematic .
5 Parliament , of course , is not limited to the enactment of laws where there is a prior obligation on the subjects to behave in the required way .
6 I would like you to watch me interview him ’ — immediately lets the class off the hook of having to participate in the normal way .
7 Indeed , the West Indians originally thought that they had much in common with British people and expected to be able to identify with the British way of life ( PEP 1976 ) .
8 When the communicative support system with which they have grown up fails to function in the usual way , the effect , arguably , will be to make the children regress or behave in some other aberrant manner — for instance , to stop asking questions or to agree with whatever the adult suggests .
9 The market is said to function in the following way .
10 However , as many overseas assignments fail because the wife or family are unable to cope with the new way of life and culture ( around 50 per cent is often quoted ) , many organisations choose to invite the wives of short-listed candidates into the company to discuss the assignment and any problems that may be worrying them .
11 Later it made economic sense to plan for the vehicle to carry things which had been given free in England but which were too heavy for me to manage for the whole way .
12 After joining , the Liberals and even the Labour supporters seem to drift into the Conservative way of thinking .
13 The vitriolic anonymous letter he despatched to The Bell in the summer of 1858 had much less to do with the half-hearted way in which the government was handling the question of emancipation than with the way in which the regime proposed to run the empire after emancipation had been achieved .
14 For a while she behaved wisely or cunningly — by allowing her ministers to give formal recognition to the ways of the reformed church on condition that she herself was allowed to worship in the old way in the privacy of her own chapel at Holyrood .
15 After his ordination in 1740 he served as curate at Llandeilo Abercywyn , but he could not resist the urge to preach in the Methodist way far outside his curacy , a practice Jones severely criticized : ‘ it is the cry of the crowd that he will be governed by . ’
16 How , then , can we go about defining our strategy in the hope of getting them to react in the right way — the way we want them to ?
17 Let us pass the word along and come together to fight in the only way left open to us — the way the church has always been meant to fight — behind enemy lines .
18 WANT to start on the Hard Way in Paper Boy 2 on the SNES ?
19 Gavin stuck his head out from under the duvet , giving me cause once more to marvel at the impressive way the lad 's shoulders merged into his head with no apparent narrowing in between ( this appeared to be the principal physical benefit bestowed by the game of rugby ; the acquisition of an extremely thick neck , just as the most important thing one could take to the sport was a thick skull , and from it an intact one still in satisfactory two-way communication with one 's spinal cord ) .
20 And the worst thing is she was trying to tell a coloured person that there was n't any prejudice , and that you only come to school to learn about the European way of life .
21 To get into the medieval way of things and because it 's cheap , we all camp down in the same room hence this is not a society for the bashful ( light sleepers are advised ear plugs ) .
22 Thus Artegall 's ‘ course of Iustice he was forst to stay , /And Talus to reuoke from the right way ’ ( V , XII , 27 ) .
23 She said ‘ hello ’ to you ’ ) , teaching her to eat in the proper way ( ‘ Close your mouth when you are eating and do n't gulp your food ’ ) , and so on .
24 I was trying to think in the correct way about right and wrong as I travelled home last night .
25 The point , however , is not to lament over the once great dace swims which have changed for the worse , but to think in the opposite way — that some of the swims you tried three or four seasons ago without any success may now have turned into ones where dace congregate .
26 And one of the reasons I wanted to run for president is to open the floodgates for debating ideas so that we could try to change in the appropriate way . ’
27 Unfortunately , it would be unwise to expect managers of publicly owned firms to act in the selfless way modelled above .
28 Less tangibly , but almost of equal importance , the newer migrants may obtain advice on how to adapt to the urban way of life with its newer and more ‘ sophisticated ’ ways .
29 But instead of trying to adapt to the British way of life he rebelled against it and reverted to his African heritage .
30 Though explicitly Christian , ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ forms between the earlier and later work a bridge over which the reader ( with access to the gospel word ) may cross into the release of Christianity , the new birth ; but , denied that access , the speaker of the poem can only seek relief in death to escape from having to return to the old way in which he is ‘ no longer at ease ’ .
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