Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [Wh adv] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But fortunately most people who are asked to help in surveys are prepared to accept that they are appropriate people to answer questions on the survey for which they are approached , and particularly where people feel that they are being asked to give ‘ expert ’ information this can be seen as rather a compliment : ‘ If you want to know about how a housewife organizes her day I can tell you everything you need to know . ’
2 Erm during the course of the footings and flooring taking place , bricks have been ordered to come in where the walls are being built together with the joinery .
3 ‘ What the counsellor does is to concentrate on how the client feels about the incidents or facts he is reporting rather than on the facts themselves , and then to respond to what appears to be the most significant part of each complex sequence …
4 Some latitude can be allowed to serious critics who write for periodicals which go to press a long time before a show is on view ; these critics will not be able to comment on how the exhibition actually looks , as their articles will have been written before the show 's installation .
5 And desire and dedication are easier to come by when the alternative is a one-way ticket back to the ghetto .
6 It was he who had to listen to how the clients could never get through on the telephone , how they were chased by debt collectors even when they had paid , how they could not find up to the minute share prices , etc .
7 It would be fascinating to speculate on why the cost of living in inner London is so high .
8 It is fascinating to speculate on how the BDDA would have developed with Maginn as President and people like Ernest Abraham active within its ranks .
9 BR has rightly refused to speculate on how the animals came to be on the line in the first place .
10 Thank goodness a legal team is to look into how the charges are made up .
11 We had to look at where the opportunities were for development in Greater York as a whole rather than looking at individual district elements , and in terms of land available , erm Mr Steel appears to have included some sites which we classify as land held in reserve , which we do n't normally count towards the land availability targets , although we do acknowledge that it is there .
12 For instance , a group of adolescents intending to look at how a family might drive one of its members to suicide , began their drama by working out the family 's relative positions round the graveside , concerning themselves with ‘ how it would look if it were a still photograph ’ .
13 Administrators responsible for other areas of enterprise in the Department of Trade and Industry were asked to look at how the OSO ‘ culture ’ could be embraced in formulating wide-ranging plans to enhance Britain 's role as a trading nation .
14 erm I 've always believed that consistency is an overrated virtue so I 'm not gon na criticise the Conservatives for changing their minds but you have to ask yourself why is this recorded on the agenda today when the sub-committee , planning sub- committee has already met and discussed these matters and things have moved on a little further Well we we really have to look at how the resolution in this paragraph came about in the first place .
15 Each information officer will have a mix of new writing and rewriting , both short items and long items , as well as special research projects to look at how the information system is used in bureaux .
16 RESEARCH is to be carried out in Darlington to look at how the borough council can coordinate its green policies .
17 I have documentary evidence of regular payments from the shipping company to the group , but I have n't had time to go into how the money is made .
18 Such factors are to do with where the refugees currently find themselves , not with the urge to return to Palestine .
19 It may be argued that this last point has more to do with why the speaker talked about something than with what he talked about .
20 So we 've got to start from where the kids are , where their musical experiences are mostly .
21 Then , as John began to climb to where the other had been , Nicholas felt his way to the fallen sapper .
22 Yeah you 're not encouraging people to go to where the cars are being parked .
23 The RAF 's Board of Inquiry may take months to report on why the Hercules on a routine flight from RAF Lyneham crashed in Scotland .
24 They played hopscotch , their favourite , in the ever brightening sunshine , throwing a white pebble into the boxes they had marked out on the ground , and then trying to hop to where the pebble landed without touching any lines .
25 As a governor to a Compact school you would be in a strong position to learn about how a school works and influence its management and curriculum policies .
26 Women 's moral reasoning is more ‘ relational ’ : they tend to think about how a decision would affect particular persons in a concrete situation , and make their choices accordingly .
27 In the first place you will start to think about how an actor 's work differs according to the demands of the medium .
28 Again , to do this effectively you need to think of how the intervals relate to the accompanying harmony .
29 The degree of change seemed to depend upon how the head viewed devolution .
30 I finally managed to get to where the directions led me .
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