Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 OLDHAM manager Joe Royle is banking on a repeat performance to see off Cambridge in the Coca-Cola Cup at the Abbey Stadium tonight .
2 You tell me about Caduta 's tits and I 'll tell you everything there is to know about Doris in the sack .
3 In 1812 he accepted an invitation to stand for Liverpool at the election with his friend Henry Brougham ( later Baron Brougham and Vaux , q.v . ) .
4 At first all went well , and they were able to pass through Genappe despite the fugitives and baggage cluttering the town .
5 The public knowledge that such discussion was taking place was damaging enough for Mrs Thatcher ; it was accentuated by signs that there was an active campaign to line up alternative candidates to stand against Heseltine in the second ballot .
6 Meanwhile the Front populaire ivoirien ( FPI ) , now emerging as the strongest of the 26 parties which had been allowed to register since May , elected its general secretary , Laurent Gbagbo , to stand against Houphouët-Boigny in the presidential elections ; he was the first opposition presidential candidate since independence in 1960 .
7 I 'm dying to stand behind Geraldine in the dole queue
8 After that tour , Western Province employed both myself and Graham Gooch for two winters , which partially made up for the fees we lost by not being able to tour with England during the three-year Test ban .
9 After that , I 'm going to appear with Jack on the Today show in New York , and I have an offer to star in a new Tarzan movie . ’
10 It what it tends to do is to encourage more traffic to come into Knaresborough on the main road as opposed to the two secondary roads .
11 Three balls later Wessels ' bat appeared to collide with Kapil at the bowler 's end as the South African turned for a second run .
12 Ernst Richter was the latest recruit from the academy , having arrived the previous day , and he had been assigned to work with Mauer for the first month so that his temperament and personality could be assessed to ensure that later on he would be paired with the right partner .
13 I was vividly aware of the far reaching and vast contribution that Basil had made to education , to values , to the good influences of the Authority on teachers and children , colleges , schools and students , and I am of the privileged few who were able to work with Basil in the early days of struggles , so I know how much , how very much he did — So I felt that at least he had fulfilled — as nearly as we can ever judge — so much of his life 's work even to the developments in his own personal creative medium — and this must be a comfort to you as well as to us who knew him as a friend and colleague .
14 This led to Gibson being seconded in 1928 to work with Michels on the properties of gases at high pressures , and to ICI becoming interested in the chemical effects of high pressures , the theme of Gibson 's work on his return to Winnington in 1931 .
15 You can introduce him as the guy you and I appointed some months back to work with Sanders on the preparation of the Business Plan .
16 Then she coated the thick planks of the door and moved along to work with Mina on the walls and eaves .
17 Eworth was the most distinguished foreign painter to work in England in the Tudor period after Holbein .
18 DARLINGTON 'S twin-town wants local students to work in Germany during the summer .
19 Working as a medical coordinator for Médecins Sans Frontières I had the privilege to work in Albania during the period of transition since communism has been discarded .
20 Work is to restart in June on the controversial Flambeau River copper mine project , in Wisconsin .
21 ‘ Thank goodness that at last I shall be able to come from Stowbridge by the short way and under the low bridge ! ’ he said .
22 Doyle twitched and flexed his fingers , trying to communicate to Bodie in the only way possible .
23 I hope to come to Ireland at the end of the season and I will , of course , come and see you .
24 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
25 He had not quite completed the required three years out of four , but because his examination results had been good , the Senatus stretched a point , and we both got leave to come to Edinburgh for the January 1944 graduation .
26 Kim 's parents , Carole and Dennis Brockwell left the family home in Waterstock in Oxfordshire to come to Paris for the trial .
27 On reflection , does the Home Secretary consider that if someone is due to come to Britain with the sole purpose of inciting race hatred there is no reason why he should be allowed in , and that Le Pen should have been excluded ?
28 She felt this even more strongly when the news began to come to England of the concentration camps that were discovered when the troops swept through Germany .
29 The bus was to come to Burleigh for the swimmers at five-thirty , and then drive to Sturford , the county town , where the championships were to take place .
30 We 'll be bringing the show to you live from Sydney , Australia , at the end of January , to mark Australia Day , and we 're looking for two couples , they can be husband and wife , mother and daughter , father and son , any combination you like , even a couple of friends , we 're looking for two couples to come to Australia with the show , and to act as roving reporters .
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