Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj -est] of " in BNC.

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1 Individual members of society were encouraged to work to the best of their abilities and improve themselves , and a translation of Samuel Smiles , Self Help became a bestseller .
2 So I 'm sorry Mr Chairman if the report is doom and gloom but that is the situation that does prevail we will endeavour to work to the best of our ability , or the lack of it but please remember the constraints that we are under and if we have got any views , to stand , and if we do want to help the people in Dundee and we do want to stop the government pilfering the British Rail pension scheme
3 Go to own in the best of British tradition and spend a month in the country .
4 She squared herself , and moved along to look into the nearest of the rooms .
5 And while the Pitts-buggers went wild with delight , Uncle Mick went wild with frustration , and started to remonstrate with the biggest of the pack .
6 Before attempting to describe the various approaches to learning and teaching which may be found in the contemporary primary school , it would be appropriate to list in the broadest of terms the key elements which lie at the heart of the curriculum .
7 We just have to play to the best of our ability and if that 's good enough we may get something out of it . ’
8 A salmon is slippery enough to handle at the best of times , but one of this size … .
9 Hundreds of keen gardeners have been visiting Blenheim Palace … not to inspect Capability Brown 's work , but to look at the best of the country 's autumn flowers .
10 When he was a bit older and more rational , William wondered if his interest in the darkest periods of human history was an attempt to exorcise these terrors of his childhood ; to look at the worst of them , coldly and analytically , and not be afraid .
11 Boxing : Colchester Boxing Club 's Andy Farrow showed his versatility when faced by a tricky opponent as he moved into the national schoolboys under-42 kilos semi-finals.Up against a spoiling boxer in the shape of Greg Algar of Eltham BC at Sandwich , Farrow persevered and kept himself out of trouble to win by the narrowest of points decisions.The judges awarded the fight to the 14-year-old Alderman Blaxill pupil 60–58 , 59–58 , 58–60 .
12 We needed to take with us clothes that were comfortable for travelling in , were easy to care for and were able to cope with the worst of the conditions .
13 To last through the bleakest of winters , terracotta pots need to be tough and frostproof .
14 It would be a long time before anyone inherited — and his sons knew that sooner or later Henry would take something from them to give to the youngest of them all , John .
15 ‘ Punishment enough , I think , ’ he said softly , as his hands traced a deliberately sensuous path over the clinging wetness of her shirt and came to rest for the briefest of moments on the raised outline of her breasts .
16 To start negotiations having to rely on the generosity of the other party is not to start in the strongest of positions !
17 Nocturnal birds , such as owls which depend upon their hyper-sensitive eyes to fly in the dimmest of lights , might manage to fly in parts of the cave near the entrance , but some species of swiftlet nest in chambers so deep no light whatever reaches them .
18 This was recognised by Sir Ernest Gowers in The Complete Plain Words : [ L ] egal draftsmen have to ensure to the best of their ability that what they say will be found to mean precisely what they intended , even after it has been subjected to detailed and possibly hostile scrutiny by acute legal minds …
19 Even at the faster rate , it would take over 1300 years simply to count to the smallest of the above numbers .
20 Ensuring smooth and just running of the case by encouraging parties and witnesses to perform to the best of their abilities ; and by checking unnecessary paperwork , disallowing repetition , speaking concisely , and always remaining aware of costs .
21 It is difficult to believe that a religion so strongly anti-idolatory would allow such an image to exist in the holiest of shrines .
22 It was obvious at this stage that the race was going to develop into the best of the day so far and when Lofthouse moved ahead again with one lap to go , Robert had it all to do .
23 1.13 Our fundamental assumption is that all pupils are entitled to an education that will provide the opportunity for them to develop to the best of their abilities a competence in and appreciation of English .
24 We give children the opportunity to develop to the best of their potential .
25 If the thought of a lengthy moorland return is unappealing , an alternative way to get to the best of the escarpment in a shorter time is to start from a parking area near a prominent standing stone on the unclassified road to Trecastle .
26 That 's real adventure — bright enough to shine through the densest of Scottish mists .
27 Yet it involved a principle which many could not accept : regardless of the sacrifices demanded of the rest of the community , it seemed too much to ask of the poorest of the poor .
28 I want to argue that partnerships should actively begin to research into the best of business practice , understand what it is about and create structured opportunities for education to learn , transfer and absorb .
29 No matter what your business commitments , it is far more sensible to have one day at home in bed to recover from the worst of the virus than to struggle in to work , extending the recuperation period enormously and giving the virus to everyone else .
30 They are just suggestions for day and half-day excursions to take in the best of the scenery , rather than the villages the tours pass through .
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