Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , he often felt it expedient to hide from the British the degree to which he was willing to co- operate and listen to their views .
2 This means that one brings to bear on the other the full range of mental associations that the culture attaches to it ; it is important to note that the objective meaning of words includes , for the New Critics , not only their dictionary definition ( sometimes called their ‘ denotation ’ ) , but also their associations ( or ‘ connotations ’ ) .
3 A new youth court was proposed to deal with the 14–16-year-old group-the largest group of juvenile offenders — whilst under-14-year-olds were to be dealt with increasingly by non-court procedures .
4 It is possible to assign to an individual a numerical score which reflects the structure of his or her personal network with reference to the key concepts of multiplexity and density .
5 The Louvre has agreed to extend to the Metropolitan a long-term loan of two glazed-brick murals depicting archers , from a sixth-century Achaemenid palace at Susa .
6 The 415 Moslems expelled by Israel do not deserve to starve in a freezing no man 's land , no matter what crimes they have or have not committed .
7 This present trip represents , after all , a rare opportunity for me to savour to the full the many splendours of the English countryside , and I know I shall greatly regret it later if I allow myself to become unduly diverted .
8 He was so blatantly , shamelessly inquisitive , so ready to place the most sensational interpretation on the smallest of circumstances and , under the guise of concern , to savour to the full the trials and tragedies of his neighbours .
9 True religion may be said to add to the spiritual a conscious relationship to the Source of the spiritual .
10 Worse still , Moscow appeared willing to exploit to the full the unstable post-war conditions , probing western defences in Germany and the Middle East , blessing the Chinese revolution ( 1949 ) , supporting the invasion of South Korea by the communist North ( 1950 ) , and seeking through force , demagogy and sabotage to spread Communism across the undeveloped world .
11 But there have been a few problems in trying to explain to the Chinese the finer points of a fish supper .
12 This chapter seeks to examine at a small-scale the variations in deprivation and investment in an urban area of Pittsburgh .
13 The white will always tend to show through the black a little and vice versa , so let it .
14 There is certainly every justification for trying this approach since it allows you to bring into the open the nature of the problem which is worrying you .
15 The purpose of this exercise , verbally repeated in funeral orations , was to instil in the young the duty of living up to the glorious achievements of their forefathers .
16 This brings us inevitably to international law : the rules which make agreements between states binding ; the rules which seek to limit from the outside the kinds of actions which states may take in relation to each other and provide a framework within which they may negotiate .
17 It would be possible to attempt such theoretical development by conceptual analysis , in order to produce in the abstract a theoretical structure , which could then be tested empirically .
18 Only the previous day Louisa had been pondering a passage from the Aurelia occulta in which Mercurius promised to bestow on the adept the powers of male and female , of heaven and earth .
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