Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 It is not uncommon to wait for 5 hours for the result to be obtained .
2 They also pointed to an incident during which a patient had to wait for four hours for an anaesthetist .
3 We only had to wait for five minutes for the first boooooom … and a second … and a third .
4 Customers are no longer prepared to wait for several months for their chosen pattern .
5 Exit trainee thespian to toilet for good cry for no obvious reason .
6 Er ours is a slightly more difficult task , I would suggest a much more difficult task , in that we 're trying to go for one certificate for the whole of the group .
7 Our second should be to search for appropriate measures for comparison .
8 A fairly simple algorithm has been implemented to search for possible alternatives for these letter positions , given the surrounding candidate letters ( as detailed in section 3.4.1 ) .
9 At a time when it is increasingly popular to search for complex explanations for continuing or increasing levels of unsafe sexual behaviour among gay and bisexual men the most obvious explanation — lack of continuing education about safer sex — must not be overlooked .
10 ‘ I really came to search for some things for my collection . ’
11 It would also be my advice to arrange for several quotations for the finance .
12 Vince Cannon , a long-serving England squad member , has decided to retire after 438 games for Northampton .
13 The valleys will have nobody working at all , there 'll be no one paying insurances , no income tax , so where is the money going to come for future pensions for people right through the country .
14 But this was not a wholly popular view as most reporters welcomed the chance to write about naughty knickers for a change and leaven the fare of their working lives .
15 A former Birmingham police officer , Finnegan was set to stand as Tory candidate for Stockton South at the 1983 general election but withdrew when it was disclosed he had been a National Front organiser .
16 Mr Finnegan was to stand as Tory candidate for Stockton South at the 1983 general election but withdrew when it was disclosed he had been a member of an extreme right-wing party .
17 In contemporary terms , therefore , his diagnoses were too inexact to stand as definitive evidence for ( or against ) a connection between creativity and madness , as we would now construe it .
18 Meanwhile the two Ulster courses and Dundalk have to suffer through poor entries for their jumping races .
19 I was to work for smelly Perkins for a whole week .
20 Conditions of work were not pleasant ; landowners tried to get their estates cultivated by indentured labourers who had come out under a contract to work for some years for the man who paid for the journey or anyone to whom he sold the right to command their services .
21 The wealthier survived because they had control of tracts of good land , but the poorer villagers had to sell the little land they had , to pay off debts and were compelled to work as landless labourers for the rich .
22 Plagued with illness after working with glass fibre , she gave up carving to work with other media for casting into bronze .
23 Some Eastern European countries — the USSR , for example — have attempted to deal with this problem by directing professional staff to work in certain areas for a limited number of years , as well as providing them with incentives in terms of higher salaries , pension rights , housing , etc .
24 ‘ I 'd got into the situation where I had a darkroom at home , the use of a studio in the West End and I was starting to suffer from severe guilt for not making full use of all these resources at my disposal .
25 This was to compensate in some way for the rather poor salaries .
26 Recently such speakers have tended more and more to disappear from sociolinguistic studies for a variety of reasons .
27 With or without Horkheimer , with or without the Frankfurt School , the name of Adorno has come to stand in cultural criticism for an immediately knowable , instantly impeachable thought-crime : ‘ cultural pessimism ’ .
28 Certainly he trained at Bologna and was a doctor of civil law by c .1270 , when he was invited to lecture on civil law for a year by the city of Modena in northern Italy .
29 Aleksandr Shokhin was relieved of his post as Employment Minister on June 14 , in order to concentrate on new responsibilities for foreign economic relations .
30 But he declined to comment on future plans for the Toledo-based factory , saying that managers at the Spanish subsidiary were responsible for that .
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