Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Left Welfare Assistant with class to go to see about Junior Staff Meeting Agenda .
2 ‘ We decided to go for restricted leg room rather than restricted vision , ’ he said .
3 The guidance says that Kenneth Clarke , the Health Secretary , ‘ is minded ’ to go for Japanese-style pendulum arbitration — where the arbiter would be free only to find for one party or the other , and would not be able to compromise .
4 They profess wholehearted support for clean coal technology , but , by forcing British Coal to search for private sector money , the potentially world-beating topping cycle developments at Grimethorpe have been delayed and delayed .
5 RNase protection analysis using a probe spanning the 25kDa/50kDa junction was used to search for smooth muscle myosin heterogeneity in the S1 subfragment .
6 Once established , these boundaries enabled shippers , carriers , banks , and insurance companies to contract for appropriate insurance coverage .
7 Mr Haynes , however , believed the figure could be less , and that the division could be returned to profit through further cost cutting .
8 Within Whitehall , therefore , there was surprise and concern that evacuation should have revealed so many symptoms of inner-city poverty , but the reaction of officials to these revelations was to seek their cause in working-class mores rather than to swing round to support for increased State intervention to raise living standards .
9 Has got to go through this learning curve to some degree .
10 The college 's head of training plans to retire after 30 years service .
11 The committee also agreed , by 39 votes to 17 , to defer for 12 months consideration of a proposal to close the village school at Abersoch .
12 Can your client live without an income , they 've just convinced you that they ca n't , they now want to know about this Health Master .
13 All you ever needed to know about twentieth-century art theory
14 It was some time before the fashion magazines and newspapers started to write about this street culture , but when THE FACE wrote a big feature on the subject in its July 1983 issue the floodgates opened .
15 MISS Whiplash yesterday announced in a letter she was returning to Britain to stand as Corrective Party candidate in the Newbury by-election .
16 However , smokers may inhale more in order to compensate for reduced nicotine intake and may eventually take in as much , or possible more tar [ 6 ] .
17 Whereas these measures constitute a second phase of liberalisation … it will be necessary to provide for further market liberalisation including the reduction of barriers to the supply of electricity by producers to customers ; whereas the precise details of this third phase , which should complete the internal electricity market , can only be defined in the light of experience …
18 The German middle classes and the German Catholics in particular knew that the Prussian Poles were no great threat to the state , yet in spite of their protests , the Junker-dominated Government found it essential to work through crude Völkisch opinion to maintain itself and divert the impending revolution .
19 Of the Upton Mills , there are still remains at several sites , although a number of others have recently been demolished , apparently with little resistance , to disappear under intensive housing development .
20 After all , just about everything ICI makes might by held to come under this umbrella title .
21 If , therefore , it is difficult at this stage for us to establish with any certainty general patterns of cause and effect between ‘ industrialization ’ and the relatively autonomous conjugal family , it may be possible for us to argue that there is at least a degree of fit , a congruence , between these two elements .
22 Caught in the middle of the rumbling European Community-US trade skirmishes , which threaten to deteriorate into all-out trade war that would benefit nobody apart from posturing politicians with abnormally over-developed egos , British Telecommunications Plc has launched a judicial review to try and escape Community legislation that restricts its ability to purchase US telecommunications equipment .
23 They were protesting against the dismissal of an estimated 15,000 Albanians , since the imposition of Serbian direct rule , for refusing to work under permanent police supervision or to sign compulsory pledges of loyalty to Serbia .
24 Shortly after graduating in 1987 , the opportunity arose to work with former Napier student , Tom Kidd .
25 Some may choose to work with vulnerable elderly people out of altruism , and a genuine desire to work with this age group .
26 At the very least , conditioned inhibition training is likely to differ from latent inhibition training in that the former is likely to convey the information that a given event ( a given US ) will not occur whereas the latter could only convey that no event will occur .
27 Given the difficulty of identifying the different types of dementia it is usual for epidemiological studies of this disease to concentrate upon organic brain failure as a single condition .
28 There 's still the home leg to come in two weeks time .
29 EUROPE : Under single market rules EC citizens do n't need permission to work in any member state .
30 As the House knows , there was strong pressure over many months for all aspects of co-operation to come within European Community competence .
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