Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] a [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Miles led a quiet life … and used to go for a drink a couple of times a week with friends at the Kings Heads in the village of Eastington , about three miles from his home .
2 And they used to stage , well when we used to go for a penny the stage , they used to perhaps have competitions for the childrens what used to want to go on .
3 Two foot square strips are likely to go for a fiver a sod and will be accompanied by certificates of authenticity from manager Mick McCarthy .
4 I thought er that God wanted me to be a doctor and I did n't have a place to go to , I took my A levels having had five chances of places to be a doctor and everybody saying no , we do n't want you and erm I had everybody praying for me at church and quite miraculously at the end of the August , when I should start in the September , I had a phone call at half past ten at night from a surgeon at the London Hospital asking me to go for an interview the next day .
5 This is not an absolute rule : for example , it may be easier to construe as an offer a price list or catalogue issued by a manufacturer rather than by a wholesaler or retailer .
6 This concern with the rights of parents masks a continuing failure to establish as a principle the rights of children and young people to take part , or at the very least , have some say , in meetings where decisions about their future will be made .
7 Not only does Dame Sirith advertise her professional ability to repeat the trick , or to obtain for a man the woman he wants in the way he wants , and thus anticipate her ability to star in an extended series of fabliaux that the poet may tell , but the language and prosody convey certain points that lie at the heart of the fabliau perspective .
8 An environmental statement was required from the company it has been given full publicity I believe that the Planning Committee and County Planning Committee today have sufficient information to come to a decision an informed decision .
9 Frequently they are relevant and will be followed on appeal — but during the six months to a year it takes for an appeal to come to a hearing the minister could have changed , while the current appeals will have been lodged long before the words have been spoken .
10 If we were to come across an object the like of which we had never before encountered , we would be in no position to determine whether it was an artefact or not , or to conclude with certainty that it had actually been designed and made by human beings .
11 He replied that he held his power in Italy by the same right of conquest established by Charlemagne and Otto , he had come , he said , ‘ not to receive as a suppliant the transient favours of an unruly people , but as a prince resolved to claim , if necessary by force of arms , the inheritance of his forebears ’ .
12 It is better , I am inclined to think , never again to listen to a word a professional golfer tells you .
13 One of the advantages of a quantitative study of this sort is that it is possible to view at a glance a collected set of responses .
14 138 ( 1 ) This section has effect where a lessor is proceeding by action in a county court to enforce against a lessee a right of re-entry or forfeiture in respect of any land for non-payment of rent .
15 Permit me to take up our plight — try to imagine for a moment the straight and level run in to the target , " bombs gone " followed by the desperate seconds ( best described by one of my Canadian pilots as " when I bite buttons off my parachute cushion " ) before the automatic photoflash and the aiming point picture taken by the night camera .
16 But towards the end of our stay in Kuwait , the rules were relaxed , and we were allowed out to a nearby sports stadium to exercise for an hour every day .
17 But we never have occasion to predicate of an object the individual and instantaneous impressions which it produces in us .
18 To avoid such an embarrassment the Department of Health is funding academics to come up with ‘ in vitro and in vivo tests ’ which can act as ‘ an early warning system to identify within a year the likely performance of a new material ’ , Allen said .
19 I am sure that to conceal from a child the fact that he is adopted is both foolish and cruel .
20 It is ironic that this dual aspiration , on the one hand , to give back autonomy to the socialist writer to produce works which balance the twin exigencies of socialist ideology and literary form , and on the other , to generate as a consequence a fuller , richer , more complex depiction of reality , marks , in fact , a return to the spirit of Nizan 's understanding of socialist realism in France in the 1930s .
21 It is truly a sublime glen : you can scarcely allow the eye to leave for a minute the mighty mountain walls on either side ( for some new scar , or crag , or corrie , or leaping cataract is ever being discovered ) , and their charming variegation of shade and tint among the mosses , rock , and grass , or among the heath and heather-bell .
22 Is it therefore better for er a , a parent our parents , our parents to give as a gift the house to both people in order to claim both allowances ?
23 These measures could quite justifiably be regarded as something of a sledgehammer to crack a very small nut , since they are intended to deal with a problem the existence of which is almost totally unproven .
24 I 've got that broken arm , which I had to put in a sling every time .
25 He asked me to try and get him a map but this was a difficult thing to do in a place the size of Fontanellato , where hardly anyone possessed even an atlas of the world .
26 In recent years , it has become common for local political party caucuses to threaten to withdraw endorsement as candidates from Members who voice views unacceptable to them and there seems to be no reason in principle why this should not be treated by the House as a contempt the essence of which , in this respect , is to deny to a Member the freedom to exercise his power as a Member in the manner dictated by his own personal judgment .
27 Delegates to the national conference agreed on Sept. 19 to put to a referendum a 71-article draft constitution with a multiparty political framework and spelling out the country 's fundamental principles .
28 3.10 Subject as provided in clause 5.5.3 all fixtures affixed to or installed in the Premises as part of the Tenant 's Works ( other than Tenant 's fixtures ) shall become and remain the property of the Landlord notwithstanding that any of them may be affixed or installed after completion of the Lease The difficulty here is ensuring that both parties know what are tenant 's fixtures and it may be as well to include in a schedule the fixtures to which the landlord is referring .
29 But lasting influence depended not only on some form of regular , close contact , but equally crucially on a sense of affinity , of common inheritance and character , which allowed a grandchild to see in a grandparent a model for his or her own development .
30 They could all ride now — after a fashion — and stay on over their modest course of jumps ( built of railway sleepers ) ; they could all swim at least three lengths and run a mile without stopping to fall in a heap every hundred yards , not very fast perhaps , but improving all the time .
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