Example sentences of "[to-vb] [prep] the [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the 870s , his successors Hadrian II and John VIII exploited an impending imperial vacancy ( Louis II of Italy lacked a male heir ) to claim for the papacy the right to choose emperors .
2 He is unlikely to drive through the party the change in the culture of Labourism that would give any realignment depth and substance .
3 Now the Anyons will be returning on dives to search for the boat the sword guard came from .
4 ‘ Secondly , I believe you will begin to see during the night the cracks opening at last in the moulds that have held British politics in sterile opposition between two major parties for so long .
5 And just to round off the day the rain stops , the Cleveland cocktail lifts and a pale , weak sun sticks his nose out from behind the clouds .
6 To round off the event an informal party was held in the evening for employees and spouses who toured the factory and enjoyed a buffet and refreshments .
7 To round off the evening the pope awarded prizes to the men who had enjoyed the favours of the greatest number of dancers .
8 One of Jacob Rothschild 's first decisions as Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund was not to acquire for the nation the most comprehensive collection in England of naive art shop signs , weather vanes , country furniture , marine samplers and quilts , made between 1750 and 1900 offered by dealer/collector Andras Kalman .
9 Whilst we recommend a retail price for all sizes as with all similar product on the market it will be up to the vendor to adjust for the prices the margins that they require .
10 Ariel began to long for the peace the latter draughts brought to her .
11 In his search to act as arbiter and to secure for the papacy the defensor so needed in his ecclesiastical-political programme for Europe he had ( as it seemed ) changed sides three times , much as the princes themselves .
12 The verderers were enabled , in return for an annual payment of £1 , to secure for the commoners the right to turn out their animals during these periods from year to year .
13 During the Second World War , three influential reports were published which were to shape the evolution of statutory planing : the Barlow Report , in 1940 , which advocated controlled industrial decentralization from the conurbations ; the Scott Report , in 1942 , which argued for a system of planning controls to protect the agricultural use of the countryside ; and the Uthwatt Report , also in 1942 , which recommended nationalization of undeveloped land to secure for the community the value added to land by the planning system .
14 In Kenya , though there was relatively little pressure for further alienation of Masai land after the second Masai move , what pressure there was was resisted by the administration , and R.W. Hemsted tried repeatedly to retrieve for the Masai the land alienated to Powys Cobb , which contained streams of crucial importance to Masai stock .
15 The purpose of doing so is to attempt to obtain for the landlord a higher rent than would be awarded by the court on an application for an interim rent under s24A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 .
16 Continuing nursing care , it 's important to stress here , that the continuing nursing care , the arrangements have relied to some extent on the use of joint finance to ensure that the Health Authority has been able to meet during the year the extra workload , and er , the budget settlement that they have , er , is actually being discussed at the moment with a view to the picking up some of those costs on a continuing basis .
17 Accordingly , it was the duty of the solicitors who were instructing counsel to make this claim and who , in correspondence , had evinced an intention to seek an order for costs against the local authority because of the supposed failure of the local authority to discharge its duty properly , to provide for the court a detailed statement of those costs ; moreover , to prepare that statement with proper care .
18 OUP expect to establish with the supplier the criteria which will be used to determine whether the system functions correctly and can be accepted by OUP .
19 We hope that it will never occur again , but if it does , may we have clear guidance so that those outside the House will know that if the police warn that it is unsafe to come into the House the Division either will or will not be extended ?
20 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
21 The simplest way is to freeze into the matrix a precursor that decomposes to the desired fragment when irradiated with light .
22 While the beer continues to ferment in the cask the CO 2 produced escapes through the soft spile .
23 This meant that Wilson would have to accept from the re-negotiation the same conditions as Heath had accepted , with perhaps a few minor , cosmetic modifications , or else withdraw the United Kingdom out of the EEC .
24 ’ There was one regular customer awe spoken girl who was enormously fat , quite well-to-do — who used to come in the shop a couple of times each week flaunting her jewellery and expensive hairdos .
25 The opportunities for pupils to share , compare and contrast ideas are limited , and children are constrained to work in the way the workbook dictates .
26 According to Mr Scannell , there always have been people in the UK interested in buying property in France ; some existing owners , including accountants , commute to work in the UK every week .
27 It is important , however , not to exclude from the equation the ingestion of food contaminated by infective oocysts from cat faeces .
28 However , this argument was rejected in the House of Lords and Lord Wilberforce ( at p372 ) said that to : … suppose that the assignments were made not by way of sale but by way of security would be to impose upon the parties a form of transaction totally different from that which they had selectednamely , one of saleand of which there was no evidence whatsoever that either of them desired …
29 The Treaty was to provide in the future a solid core of cooperation between the two states and which , on the whole , probably benefited the EEC .
30 There is a need to ensure that we will be able to provide in the future the range and type of courses , especially the technologically/vocationally orientated courses that will be offered in F.E./tertiary colleges .
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