Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [noun] so [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is how to conduct economic policy so as to reconcile full employment and price stability .
2 The degree course has two main aims : first , to promote this study so that the relationships between organisms and their environment are better understood and , second , to apply the principles of ecological science to the management of forests , water , wildlife and the environment generally .
3 Insiders may decide to defer public disclosure so that they may first build up a position in the relevant shares .
4 ‘ Our job is to provide some activities so that people can then choose whether or not they want to be involved .
5 In practice , often enough he will be " invited " to accept such responsibility so that his predecessor can be exonerated therefrom and thus make a " clean break " with the firm .
6 Monitor pattern of sleep and try to provide undisturbed periods so that the patient can rest .
7 The effect of a new settlement south east of York would be to increase those levels so that people with from Greater York , would find would not be able to find accommodation within the new settlement and therefore the total housing requirement of Greater York would be increased and housing needs would not be met .
8 Exclusion clauses may not , therefore , always be effective to modify fiduciary duties so as to avoid conflicts between fiduciary duties and duties imposed by regulatory rules .
9 ‘ Please help the Society to become self-sufficient and able to train more teachers so that we can offer classes in more locations and take over from those teachers who are waiting to hang up their leotards and tights ’ .
10 Although we support the right-to-buy legislation , we wish that the capital receipts could be used by local authorities to provide affordable housing so that people would not be forced into owner-occupation that they can not afford .
11 States were urged to take measures to reduce the demand for drugs , and to increase financial contributions so that the UN Fund for Drug Abuse Control could expand its work .
12 We are especially keen to attract young people so that all aspects of Medau work can be shown .
13 Smith looked to the discipline which he encountered in the Volunteer Force to be put to good use , while the programme of uniform , bands , drill , camps , recreation rooms , and religious instruction was intended to attract young adolescents so that their leisure time might be ‘ organized ’ .
14 We 've struggled to establish financial security so as to provide for the needs of our families and communities .
15 One possible solution , he suggested , would be to modify engineered plants so that they are male-sterile and produce either no pollen or pollen that is inactive .
16 Facilities to attract local residents so as to maximize usage of services and facilities .
17 One red herring that has been produced by increased language awareness among teachers has been to try to rewrite academic texts so that pupils can cope with them .
18 That is , in periods of high unemployment , the government would expand aggregate demand : this would reduce the unemployment but at the same time tend to create inflationary pressure so that eventually the government would have to reduce aggregate demand again .
19 ‘ If students are going to be landed with a debt at the end of three years , they are going to choose vocational courses so that they can be certain of getting a job when they graduate and so pay off the loan . ’
20 A laborious internal review of the Long-Term Costing is undertaken to whittle down the gap , and to highlight vulnerable programmes so that the Secretary of State can be given the strongest possible brief to help him fight for a higher allocation of resources ; and conversely to enable him to fend off attacks by other high-spending ministers , who are intent on grabbing a larger share for themselves , often at the expense of Defence .
21 The computing option for the fourth-year pupils was oversubscribed and the girls undertook fund raising in order to purchase more equipment so that larger numbers could be accommodated .
22 Most writings seem to agree that leadership vision , or ‘ visioning ’ , as the process has sometimes been called , can be broken down into three distinct stages : ( 1 ) the envisioning of ‘ an image of a desired future organizational state ’ ( Bass , 1987 : 51 ) which ( 2 ) when effectively articulated and communicated to followers ( Bennis and Nanus , 1985 ; Tichy and Devanna , 1986 ; Gluck , 1984 ) serves ( 3 ) to empower those followers so that they can enact the vision ( Sashkin , 1987 ; Srivastva , 1983 ; Conger and Kanungo , 1987 ; Robbins and Duncan , 1987 ) .
23 This means that all users must know which charge codes to use when they start to create new modules so that their modules can be stored against the correct charge code for their project .
24 RFL principals of an MNP are not prohibited from having separate legal practices as foreign lawyers , but they are obliged to institute certain safeguards so as to ensure that clients of the foreign legal practice do not believe they are receiving services through an MNP .
25 But now that King James VI of Scotland was also King James I of England he was determined to rule both kingdoms so as to allow no further violence between them .
26 If Hamer have sought to redesign this feature so that it looks better overall then I 'd suggest that they have made a mistake .
27 ‘ Oddly enough the selectors only told me shortly before the match that they wanted me to play left centre so that ‘ Obbo ’ could get some of the ball , ’ Cranmer reminisced .
28 We need to find people to buy these places so that we can sort of balance the books , but one wonders , you know , could n't something have been done with that empty building for two years while there are folk in the area with nowhere to live .
29 The marketer must therefore turn his attention to how to identify these factors so as to be able to construct an effective strategy .
30 We reserve the right to edit all letters so that all the nasty , unintelligible bits get taken out .
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