Example sentences of "[to-vb] [adj] [prep] [pers pn] in " in BNC.

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1 Trent said , ‘ Wind picks up , we 'll need to tow half of it in the Zodiac . ’
2 He has now released some of these birds , and a large reward awaits any ringer able to catch one of them in Britain or Ireland , and so substantiate they experimental results .
3 Though you may identify a number of questions which may occur to your audience it is not necessary to answer all of them in your presentation .
4 Faced with a longer sales cycle for the Dragon , Sun expects to sell thousands of them in competition with Pyramid Technology Corp , Sequent Computer Systems Inc and Hewlett-Packard .
5 As I am unable to call to discuss these with you in person during bank opening hours I should be grateful for a reply in writing which I can present to the Council at their next meeting on 2 April 1992 .
6 However , since fourteen topics were listed , even fairly full courses must have paid quite limited attention to any one topic , in order to cover all of them in the time available .
7 You 'll be able to see all of me in a moment . ’
8 That Pretty Polly was something out of the ordinary was confirmed as she sailed unbeaten through a nine-race campaign as a two-year-old and continued to carry all before her in 1904 , notching up facile victories in the One Thousand Guineas ( at 4–1 on ) , the Oaks ( 100–8 on ) , the Coronation Stakes ( 5–1 on ) , the Nassau Stakes ( 33–1 on ) , the St Leger ( 5–2 on ) and — just two days after the final Classic — the Park Hill Stakes ( 25–1 on ) .
9 With so much archive material from the Bismarck and Tirpitz researches left over I was able to incorporate much of it in two successful books , Pursuit on the Bismarck , and Menace on the Tirpitz .
10 ‘ Have n't you ever wanted to chuck one of them in the canal ?
11 The authorities did seek reserve powers by making all land subject to compulsory purchase , although they intended to leave most of it in the developers ' hands .
12 I liked her Mat Coward and Edward Pearce ( ‘ Socialism 's answer to Ezra Pound , only more confused ’ and ‘ A sort of sober Dylan Thomas ’ ) , and confidently expect to see more of her in the future .
13 However , with social feeling about child sexuality running high as it does at present , we may be well advised to keep quiet about it in public ; while , if we ourselves feel guilt as to our own emotions in any such case , a knowledgeable and understanding senior or colleague may be able to help us — otherwise we would be well-advised to hand the case on to someone else .
14 He might decide to cross-examine both of us in an attempt to detect inconsistencies in our replies , or hope for some slip-up on our part which might enable him to make the correct identification .
15 So , against Clark , it must be argued that it is misleading to claim that because animals , imbeciles , and normal infants are all weak , defenceless , and at our mercy , to treat any of them in the same way ( say by killing them for food or using them in research ) is ‘ in moral terms , the very same act ’ ( Clark 1978 : 149 ) .
16 ‘ You 're going to drop some on me in a moment . ’
17 The Department of Health wants to place more of them in community care , while the Home Office wants to place more of them in secure accommodation .
18 The Department of Health wants to place more of them in community care , while the Home Office wants to place more of them in secure accommodation .
19 They 're bound to have dozens of them in there
20 Then both the earners and the users of foreign exchange will know its real opportunity cost , and they will adjust their behaviour so as to economize on foreign exchange in the short term and to earn more of it in the long term .
21 This official history is lavishly produced , profusely illustrated with maps and well-chosen photographs , and quotes extensively from a selection of the British documents — indeed , seems to reproduce some of them in full in the text — as well as vividly recounting the actual fighting .
22 And the bank hopes to introduce one of them in a year 's time .
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