Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] in [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I thought I was the only one mad enough to go walking in this weather . ’
2 It is interesting to try reading in this position oneself for a minimum of ten minutes in order to appreciate its inefficiency , and to experience the uncomfortable and tiring effects of doing so .
3 But it is impossible to continue writing in that vein without a feeling of disgust .
4 Surely we 're not going to sit cowering in this place because we 're frightened to go and see him .
5 Bell , on the other hand , might start wanting to pretend to behave in some sort of pseudo British Council evenhanded way over published materials .
6 ‘ There 's no call to go looking in that direction , ’ Vernon said .
7 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
8 That 's what I want to see happen in this country and I want to do it . ’
9 Eliot must have heard of his arrest during or just after his visit to Paris at the beginning of that month since , on his return , he immediately sent a cable to Archibald MacLeish , the poet who was then Assistant Secretary of State , saying that he was eager to help Pound in any way he could .
10 Now that we seem to be approaching , by way of plate tectonics and sea-floor spreading , some sort of general theory of earth history acceptable to the physicists , it is perhaps unwise to continue to hypothesise in this way .
11 It may seem sentimental to wish to see in this return of the young woman to her mother , in a spring in England half a life-time ago , the restoration to her agonized parent of that child snatched in a darker place , a darker time .
12 If one 's purpose is to develop the ability to negotiate meaning in this way , then one would choose to present students with passages whose content was unfamiliar .
13 But generally it is a good idea to start writing in some form as soon as you can .
14 But to interpret decoding in this way would be to espouse behaviourism and to by-pass consciousness altogether .
15 It is now customary to consider reading in this context .
16 equipment , and in ‘ first-world ’ country sees no excuse to continue fishing in this manner : ‘ The counter-arguments of a handful of fishermen ... not representative of the industry ... should not be given any particular weight .
17 The only formality required of a person who wishes to commence trading in this way concerns the naming of the business .
18 Of the places to stay listed in this brochure , the following have been checked by Holiday Care :
19 D. J. Wrench is one of the few to have considered in any detail what happened after the National Government was formed .
20 The elder Blackwell 's religious commitment was at least as strong as his son 's ; he seems to have died in some poverty , having previously calculated the debts owing to himself at nearly £36,000 ( Bodleian MS Rawl .
21 What I hope to have shown in this article is that the use of discourse analysis and pragmatics to reveal significant areas of Anderson 's character proves very successful in explaining more precisely how Anderson 's vagueness , loquacity , urbanity and pomposity are evinced in his linguistic performance .
22 He felt strangely inactive , as if he ought to offer to help in some way ; pour glasses of juice perhaps .
23 However , even outer clothing must have required fastening and such wear would also have arisen if they were worn on undergarments in such a way as to come into contact with the inner face of the coarse outer garments ; such extreme wear is perhaps more likely to have occurred in this way than on the outside .
24 This Marx and Engels were to attempt to do in more detail in their subsequent works .
25 For Twomey to have erred in any way was unthinkable .
26 The vehicle appears to have remained in this condition for the remainder of its ownership by Croydon Corporation , but was rarely seen in daylight .
27 As a means of livelihood compatible with his politics , Doherty set up as a publisher , bookseller , and printer in Manchester from 1832 , and he seems to have remained in this business until his death .
28 The strategy of MEG will be more straightforward — a blunt refusal to countenance goldmining in this part of the country .
29 Doubts about the ability of the system to survive arise in another context , namely that of ecology and pollution .
30 James seems to have thrived in this milieux , and he was now lecturing on ‘ The Case for West Indian Self-Government ’ which he had had published by Leonard and Virginia Woolf 's Hogarth Press in 1933 .
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