Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [noun pl] with the " in BNC.

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1 George had wisely slipped into a pattern of complete obedience and moved silently around the room to establish aiming points with the torch on the pictures Maxim indicated .
2 The Ptolemies , being the neighbours of the Carthaginians who were the allies of the Romans , were the first Hellenistic kings to try to make friends with the unexpected new power .
3 In January 1990 the Turkish government sought to avoid straining relations with the Soviet Union following the outbreak of violence between Turkish-speaking Azeris and Armenians in the Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan [ see pp. 37168-70 ] .
4 I attach a proposal drafted somewhat off the top of my head , which you may like to use to open discussions with the Navarra Ministry .
5 The labour movement has a role to play here , we need to start building bridges with the ecological movement , Friends of the Earth , and others for a strategy for jobs , for the economy which will tackle unemployment .
6 Trying to put its ACE nightmare behind it , Santa Cruz Operation Inc will this week try to start making amends with the launch of Open Desktop version 2.0 .
7 First he was to endorse publicly the NoS Equal Opportunities approach , and second he was to agree to allow negotiations with the unions to ‘ run their course ’ quietly .
8 It was their own particular relationship with the papacy that allowed precisely those territories that they were seeking to control to open negotiations with the pope .
9 He also seems to have developed connections with the circle around the prince .
10 He also seems to have developed connections with the circle around the prince .
11 On the Mozarts ' visit to London in 1764–5 Bach is reputed to have performed duets with the eight-year-old composer .
12 They say it would have been nice to have had discussions with the contractors before any action was taken.An officer will be on the site , first thing tomorrow .
13 Both Prikazsky and Bursky were alleged to have had links with the Statni Bezpecnost ( StB — State Security , or secret police ) under the communist regime before November 1989 , and it was suggested that a third ( unnamed ) minister had also had such links .
14 It was also alleged to have had links with the Kurdish Workers ' Party ( KWP ) and the Kurdish Islamic Revolutionaries organization .
15 Way back in 1957 I had talked my boss into allowing me to learn to fly helicopters with the British European Airways Helicopter Unit at Gatwick and in 1960 I sat in on the first ground school course BOAC conducted for their senior captains converting to the first Boeing 707s .
16 The Esquerra possessed a powerful base of support within the region 's urban lower-middle class and among the tenant vine-growers or rabassaires ; through Macia 's lieutenant and eventual successor , Lluis Companys , it also strove to maintain working relations with the CNT , whose members , despite their theoretical rejection of politics , sometimes provided it with their votes .
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