Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We have to continue to invest in the field organisation and in research and development , ’ White said .
2 By identifying cash deficits at the planning stage a firm will be in a good position to arrange financing for the deficit .
3 He was willing to go to confirm in an emergency at very short notice and this earned him some long-lasting gratitude .
4 They had to wait to go through the time lock machine .
5 Hey mummy you know when you used to go to toilet in the middle of a conversation .
6 Nobody had criticized the Government for ‘ planning ’ the Normandy invasions , as Simon tersely argued , so it was perfectly reasonable for the Government to continue to plan after the war .
7 I want my colleagues to continue to enthuse about the job and teach effectively .
8 Intramural physician monitors adjusted the cyclosporin doses to maintain cyclosporin trough levels between 80 and 120 ng/ml thus allowing the investigators to remain blinded to the study treatment .
9 The metal ball swung in a ponderous arc to go crashing into the front of The Haven .
10 The correct approach here is to cut down the obligation to perform undertaken under the contract , rather than attempt to impose an exemption clause covering the liability for a breach committed .
11 Indeed General de Gaulle , the French leader after 1958 , insisted that the policy must be introduced if France was to remain committed to the Community .
12 To continue descend from the shoulder , on well-defined path with wall on left ; where wall bends right , keep right alongside it , and soon ignore a stile on left .
13 Poverty , he defined as ‘ having no surplus ’ , i.e. having the bare essentials much of the time , but nothing to spare to provide for a crisis such as unemployment , sickness or death in the family .
14 He added that as much as a third of BP 's oil production was expected to continue to come from the North Sea until the turn of the century .
15 This will enable us to continue to concentrate on the collision of gravitational waves .
16 As indicated above , the Cuban revolution induced Soviet leaders to modify the view ( hitherto almost as firmly believed in the Kremlin as in the White House ) that the Latin American nations were destined to remain trapped in a position of subservience to the United States .
17 I did n't get much opportunity to talk to for any length of time but she managed to arrange to meet with the others with young babies and we planned to get together again later that week .
18 We have got to go to work with a lot of of of er tension and pressure on us .
19 Charles Brown , for example , was born in Northamptonshire in 1855 and had to go to work as a boy when his father , an agricultural labourer earning 12s. a week , was taken ill .
20 ‘ Leo actually had to go to work in a pair of my knickers , ’ Emma said .
21 I was always worried when he went to work , but y you do n't think your husband 's going to go to work in the morning at five o'clock and never come home again .
22 It is therefore very pleasing to see appearing in the Ian Allan At War series , Jonathan Falconer 's Stirling At War .
23 The last pitch was a real sting in the tail , but the perplexing moves up a short crack in a wall soon succumbed to brute force and determination and I swung exultantly over a final bulge on the monstrous , weathered holds to sit satiated on the plateau , soaking up the sun until Alec pulled over , grinning with triumph .
24 Her parents were told that Dawn had evidently suffered a stroke , and would probably recover to remain confined to a wheelchair .
25 I became famous ( or notorious ) for my diary , which I kept up assiduously , and which was generally believed to be full of scandal of the sort the school authorities would not like to see appear in the newspapers .
26 Her approach would be to treat spelling as a part of writing on the one hand and of pronunciation on the other .
27 You 've got a limited number of slots to sell so you do n't need to go thrashing around the country
28 Also in group situations , it may be the case that the senior executives are employed by the top company , so it will be necessary if they are to continue to work for the target to negotiate with each of them a revision to their service agreements .
29 If the heads are restricted to general terms they are a useful means of outlining the transaction and identifying the main areas the parties want to see included in the sale agreement .
30 just about to go in his room erm Will 's study you know he said , you know , bit late to go knocking on the window , this is the boys ' area er er you know , you should n't be here at this time of night , this is the boys ' area .
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