Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [prep] [art] last " in BNC.

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1 She said that had been his double and he 'd got away scot-free to come to live in the last country in the world where people would think of looking for him .
2 In all cases , you would be wise to avoid waiting until the last minute .
3 The most recent Scandinavian and American research suggests that however long you live , serious ill-health is most likely to lie compressed into the last three or four years before death .
4 We still have a six-point buffer but I expect us to have to go to the last day of the season . ’
5 ‘ You 've practically exiled yourself from your family and your home and your friends , you think you 've failed your finals but you say you 've no intention of sitting your re-sits even if you have ; you 've no money and you have n't even been looking for a job ; you 're getting done for shop-lifting and you 're acting like such a fucking dick-head you seem determined to get shot of the last few pals you do have left … and all you can do is make smart-ass remarks . ’
6 Out of 12,000 mostly unskilled workers taken on to staff the park , of which two thirds have been French and the rest from abroad , as many as 4,000 are thought to have quit in the last few months , prompting worries about mounting costs on the operators ' training and employment budgets .
7 The number of different visitors they were reported to have had during the last twelve months averaged 5.0 .
8 Nevertheless , the overall impression in all the islands is of coastline submergence ; a process that appears to have occurred over the last 8,000 years or so with the amount of sea level rise being estimated as approximately 5 m .
9 He was also bitterly denounced by former colleagues for having betrayed King 's memory by detailing instances of his colleague 's adultery , including incidents which were alleged to have occurred during the last night of King 's life .
10 As hospital staff try to get rid of the last traces of CS gas from the department many are still recovering from the ordeal , which left them and a number of their patients suffering the effects of the gas .
11 He reached for his handkerchief and dabbed his forehead again — a cold , clammy sweat that only seemed to have surfaced in the last half an hour .
12 How is it that this problem seems only to have emerged in the last few years .
13 I used to suffer from spots , but they seem to have gone in the last year or two , I 'm thankful to say .
14 The EC sought co-operation against drug traffickers , and Mexico was reported to have inserted at the last minute a formula to safeguard its national jurisdiction in this area .
15 What seems to have happened over the last twenty years or so is that a higher proportion of juveniles are being dealt with officially by the police rather than being dealt with unofficially or warned .
16 What appears to have happened in the last week of the campaign is that a large proportion of the ‘ Do n't Knows ’ plumped for the Conservatives , possibly in fear of rumoured Labour tax rises .
17 The position of women is often considered to have improved during the last few decades .
18 it seems to have changed over the last few years
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