Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] into the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly we do not need to try to go into the whole causal history of an event in order to specify something — one of the many sets of things — that had the property of making the occurrence of the event necessary .
2 Work places have always had supervisors to measure output , so it is hard to explain why it was so much more painful to work plugged into the big brain .
3 If they are to avoid falling into the theoretical machinery that perpetuates such stereotypes , women are obliged constantly to dodge the conceptual apparatuses that seek to mould their language .
4 This is far better than opening a little airbrake , then some more , and then finally having to use full airbrake for the landing in order to avoid overshooting into the far boundary .
5 ‘ Oh , shoot , ’ she whispered again , trying to avoid bumping into the large oval dining table which stood in the window .
6 If you , all I do n't want us to do is to start drifting into the second exercise as part of this first exercise which sounds very much
7 The most recent Scandinavian and American research suggests that however long you live , serious ill-health is most likely to lie compressed into the last three or four years before death .
8 In the Minoan period he remained subordinate to his goddess , but at its end , as Zeus , he became much more important ; his original Minoan name , Velchanos , seems to have endured into the classical period as one of the titles attributed to Zeus on Crete .
9 It 's my proudest achievement to have got into the Irish Times .
10 And with all those people stacked up in X-ray , cheek by jowl , rubbing their short , white dressing gowns together , the plates were bound to have got into the wrong envelopes .
11 It is , for example , little use when recording a chemical spill into an Egyptian river to have entered into the appropriate field ‘ the Nile ’ — after all , this river is some 6480 km long !
12 At laparotomy , performed after a period of attempted stabilisation , the whole of the stomach and omentum was found to have herniated into the left hemithorax .
13 In the medieval period these were seen as the custodians of an orthodoxy which was felt to be , if only potentially , challenged by self-authenticating mystical writings — a custodial role which seems to have lingered into the twentieth century .
14 But the development of the law does seem to show that judges have been able to dispense from the necessity of justification under a public policy test of reasonableness such contracts or provisions of contracts as , under contemporary conditions , may be found to have passed into the accepted and normal currency of commercial or contractual or conveyancing relations .
15 ( 2 ) The following classes of cases are usually not subject to the doctrine : ( a ) those which include a restraint which does not involve the convenantor in giving up a freedom which he would otherwise have enjoyed unless the restraint creates a positive duty to do something which restricts his freedom during the period of its operation ; ( b ) those which , under contemporary conditions , may be found to have passed into the accepted and normal currency of commercial or contractual or conveyancing relations ; and ( c ) those in which the purpose and nature of the restraint is coterminous with the purpose of the contract .
16 It is unlikely that many Europeans would have had access to Aristotle 's writings , but the cuckoo 's habits were certainly well enough known during the Middle Ages for them to be mentioned by Chaucer ( in The Parlement of Foules , 1382 ) , and for the term ‘ cuckold ’ — describing a man deceived by his wife — to have passed into the English language .
17 It would have been possible simply to have overflowed into the additional accommodation for , as we have seen , space was already at a premium in the old premises .
18 But they knew that in order to get assimilated into the great American nation and imbibe of its great opportunities , they had to master English .
19 A second gunman was reported to have fired into the front row of the audience .
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