Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] all [art] way " in BNC.

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1 You 'll have to let get all the way .
2 Every British geology student knows about the " liver-coloured " quartzite pebbles which are found in our Triassic conglomerates ( referred to earlier ) and which are said to have come all the way from the Ordovician " Gres Armoricain " and " Gres de May " of Brittany ( plate 1.13 ) , even though this implies the transportation of pebbles up to 20 or 30 cm diameter for several hundred kilometres up to the English Midlands .
3 It must be important for her to have driven all the way up north and bluff her way into his house .
4 A signpost lettered APPLEWICK pointed down it , and the school-house where the Brownies were to spend their Pack holiday was at Applewick ; but the van ought to have gone all the way round by the main road , because it was , as Brenda knew , too big to go under the low bridge .
5 The size of the Agii Theodhori harbour town is unknown , but it seems unlikely to have extended all the way to the temple at Niru Khani .
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