Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 He added that as much as a third of BP 's oil production was expected to continue to come from the North Sea until the turn of the century .
2 It is therefore very pleasing to see appearing in the Ian Allan At War series , Jonathan Falconer 's Stirling At War .
3 You want a Sierra estate mate if you want to go knocking about the Lake District with the dogs .
4 On the official level , the PLO is still insisting that ‘ it is ready to accept to deal with the Baker plan ’ but only if the composition of the Palestinian delegation is publicly selected by the PLO .
5 On the official level , the PLO is still insisting that ‘ it is ready to accept to deal with the Baker plan ’ but only if the composition of the Palestinian delegation is publicly selected by the PLO .
6 We 'd already come to know rapping via The Sugarhill Gang 's success a couple of years before , but this was a novel thing , a glimpse of what music would be like in the future .
7 A united Germany would be more likely to remain incorporated in the West 's institutions .
8 The Dean was about to go fund-raising in the States .
9 That is nearly twice as long as patients should have to wait according to the John Major 's Patients ' Charter .
10 Whilst wanting it to do well , they mistrust single-party government , and they want the FOP to continue to serve in the Bundestag as a restraint on possible extremism .
11 AROUND 50 yachts are expected to set sail from the Mersey this evening in Tranmere Sailing Club 's Annual IOM Race from Rock Ferry to Douglas .
12 It was this rivalry that allowed the bank to continue to function after the Tampa arrests , much to Mazur 's disgust .
13 By the 1660s all the islands were committed to sugar and the white planters were taking drastic steps to prevent their white employees from leaving the islands and tilting the population balance still further towards the black slaves , but this of course made white employees all the more determined to avoid going to the West Indies .
14 The existence of substantial oil-fired capacity together with the non-compliance of Nottinghamshire with the strike enabled the NCB to avoid succumbing to the NUM 's demands and the strike collapsed in March 1985 .
15 Contributions promised by the Saudis , Kuwait , Japan and others to help pay for the Gulf war count as invisibles receipts .
16 The dollar is dramatically devalued to help pay for the Vietnam War .
17 Robert 's birthday is in June , and for a number of years , his birthday treat was for all the family to go to Cambridge on the bus , to go punting on the Cam , and then to have a strawberry and cream tea .
18 It would be impossible not to enjoy staying at the Venus — they 're some of our nicest apartments in Ibiza .
19 In the Christmas of 1979 , Richard Branson took a holiday from Virgin to go ski-ing in the Colorado resort of Aspen .
20 He accused her of crying wolf and prepared to go riding on the Sandringham estate .
21 Unsure of whether she does owe him an explanation , of how much of her perspective she can get across in a conversation , and unwilling to let go of the London Kate who has broken through to the surface , she is ashamed of her suspicions of his reasons for asking her back to his place and agrees .
22 They drove through the night to start unloading at the Apollo the following lunchtime .
23 and finally next Tuesday the country 's top dogs … are in Oxford to start racing for the Pall Mall trophy … its the richest prize of the year … at the Cowley Stadium … the final 's on March the twentieth
24 The L.T.A. were represented by Barbara Davis who had come along to supervise the ‘ rating ’ of players to enable them to qualify to compete in the V.W. series tournaments during the summer .
25 FIFTEEN dentists ' practices are to consider resigning from the NHS over proposed government funding cuts they fear could lead to bankruptcy .
26 But surely the problem is that time 's cracking on and you 're gon na have to start thinking about the Taylor Report recommendations .
27 James added : ‘ It is still too early to start thinking about the Ryder Cup .
28 It would soon be time to commence hay-making in the Handley Farm pastures .
29 He seems to have travelled in the Rhineland , and was in Paris in 1241 , when he commemorated the arrival of the relics of the crucifixion , and then in Angers , where he taught and disputed with local poets .
30 The Defence Department Inspector General , Derek J. Vander Schaaf , released on Sept. 24 his report into the Tailhook affair , the most serious sexual scandal to have broken in the US military for decades .
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