Example sentences of "[to-vb] [verb] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We need to evaluate screening with the same rigour we use to examine a new drug ’
2 In one instance a picture lent from Czechoslovakia to Cologne was prevented from returning because of a claim to title made by the former owner 's heir .
3 It is true that the shareholders would make an impact if they were to agree to vote in the same way , but this will usually involve the costs of educating and obtaining the co-operation of other shareholders being borne by individual activist members , and these are likely to outweigh the benefits that will be captured by them , since any increase in the value of the company attributable to intervention will be distributed among the shareholders as a whole .
4 Furthermore , it is all too easy for both people to decide to let go at the same moment , so that no one is left holding a wing-tip .
5 ‘ I told you to keep going in the same direction .
6 ( However , P-E sees a special need for its application in these days of frequently changing corporate cultures and structures : for example , a successful predator might well want to stir up the management of a recent acquisition , and encourage its executives to start thinking along the same lines as their new bosses ) .
7 ‘ It is important , if you are to continue to live in the same house . ’
8 On Oct. 11 five Polish nationals living in Frankfurt and Bochum were arrested when police uncovered consignments of radio-active caesium and strontium believed to have originated in the former Soviet Union .
9 Thus , although incoming variants of both vowels appear to have originated in the same hinterland Scots dialect , each has assumed a diametrically opposed social value in its new urban setting .
10 The number of journalists who claim to have sat on the same sofa and had private speech with His Majesty is legion .
11 If the spontaneous origin of life turned out to be a probable enough event to have occurred during the few man-decades in which chemists have done their experiments , then life should have arisen many times on Earth , and many times on planets within radio range of Earth .
12 I mean frankly David , if you look at the number of games we 've had so far this season , it would be totally impractical for both teams to have played on the same pitch .
13 Changes in the ways employment , training and welfare policies operate need to be brought about so as to get rid of the many disincentives that exist for women wishing to return to training or employment .
14 It used to make me really mad because some of me brothers and sisters used to get put in the same homes together , but I was always on my own .
15 If you work for between eight and 16 hours you will have to have worked for the same employer for at least five years to be eligible , and if you work for less than eight hours a week , you 'll lose these rights altogether .
16 However , parallel cousins who may in reality be half-siblings are also likely to have lived in the same household .
17 Do n't believe everything he says , mind , but he claims to have lived in the same house all his life .
18 In May the three former party leaders within the DLP had signed a secret memorandum agreeing to begin moving towards the latter system during 1990 .
19 Ice motion causes the meteorites to become concentrated in the same sort of way that mountain streams concentrate deposits of gold or other heavy minerals in ‘ lenses ’ or into layered structures .
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