Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] for the first " in BNC.

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1 Should you wish to paint hardwood for the first time , it will be necessary to coat it with an aluminium primer .
2 If , when you have read the letter overleaf , you decide to accept responsibility for the first £50 of claims please fill in the boxes below .
3 I wish to accept responsibility for the first £50 of all claims under Section 1 — Buildings of the above policy ( other than claims arising from Subsidence , where special conditions apply , or Fire or Property Owners Liability ) .
4 Many more farmers would be willing to undertake conversion if the Government were prepared to provide subsidies for the first five years to help re-equip .
5 In June 1984 , small businesses were also required to provide security for the first time under the scheme , which obviously deterred many potential entrepreneurs and damaged the usefulness of the scheme .
6 SOARING sales mean workers at car giant Rover are being asked to work Sundays for the first time in living memory .
7 CCG will continue to provide services for the first year of operation and hopefully into the future .
8 To mark the country 's first successful bone marrow transplant involving an un-related donor , Norwegian television arranged for her to meet Janet for the first time in front of an estimated two-and-a-half million viewers .
9 Drink up : Euro Disney has begun to serve alcohol for the first time at four of its restaurants as it seeks to stem heavy losses from weak attendance .
10 THE Queen is to visit Lockerbie for the first time since the air disaster there more than four years ago .
11 Section 1 describes how to install LIFESPAN for the first time on your VAX ,
12 Cash boost : Wirral council staff who retire are to receive £90 for the first 25 years of service and £3.60 for each subsequent year following an increase in long service awards .
13 She started to wear trousers for the first time , dieted , and let her hair grow .
14 To cover costs for the first £320 you may either pay us a non-refundable damage/loss excess waiver of £32 per yacht ( £7 each for a Share a Yacht or Pot Luck ) , or lodge ( direct with us , not through a travel agent ) a security deposit of £320 per yacht ( £70 each if sharing ) at the time of making your final payment .
15 John Fairley , chairman of Grampian Property Partners , said : ‘ The plans to build homes for the first time is a significant move for housing co-operatives in the area and underlines our commitment to help meet the housing needs of people in Grampian . ’
16 I turn to face Crilly for the first real time .
17 Suddenly they seemed to notice Brenda for the first time .
18 And it is that grouping , the J R P , that have got agreement between the Ethiopian government and the Tigre People 's Liberation Front to move food for the first time from the Ethiopian government areas into the areas controlled by the Tigre People 's Liberation Front .
19 By 1924 the party was recognisably the party of today ( McKibbin 1974 p 236 ) , and in a position to take power for the first time .
20 This enabled some major figures to show work for the first time .
21 BLUNDERING birdwatchers may be to blame for the failure of England 's only breeding pair of Golden Eagles to produce chicks for the first time in four years .
22 Northern Ireland has never won the Home Internationals before but team manager Jim McGrory feels that this year 's selection is good enough to achieve success for the first time .
23 One of Oxford 's two remaining women-only colleges has tonight decided to admit men for the first time in a hundred years .
24 After the war , reactors like the Windscale ‘ piles ’ — scene of the 1957 accident described in Chapter One — were designed to produce material for the first British nuclear bombs , and no expense was spared in developing the necessary technology .
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