Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] in the way " in BNC.

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1 It would to find altruism in the way we could find but social cooperation or self-sacrifice or altruism could evolve by natural selection .
2 At the idea transfer level , machines have not yet demonstrated unequivocally the ability to process concepts in the way that human consciousness processes thought .
3 There is also the implication in the model that , if you successfully prevent entry up till the mature stage of the life-cycle , you will then , subject to the price elasticity of demand , be able to increase prices in the way illustrated in figure 5.3 .
4 Of all that hundred , only two are theoretically capable of producing the extremely intricate molecular structures that are needed to process energy in the way that is required .
5 He 's proved to be a very good buy and , to be honest , I was backing him to restrict Shearer in the way he did . ’
6 ( a ) It 's a great opportunity to pick holes in the way the class is conducted .
7 Now I , I think perhaps you 're worrying unduly , Jim in so far as , your , your men will continue to administer contracts in the way they do now .
8 The ISE at the time of writing is attempting to implement changes in the way in which shares are floated .
9 If they are not , Mrs Thatcher will either have to reconsider her faith in the private sector always to do what she deems to be the right thing , or she will have to promote changes in the way in which the markets go about their business .
10 Justices must learn new skills and learn them quickly , although no one expects them to give judgments in the way that a judge does .
11 Every one of his books points to the same thing — unless we apply inhibition in our lives we will never be able to use intelligence in the way it was designed — to assist fulfilment .
12 During the development of modern phonetics in the present century it was for a long time hoped that scientific study of intonation would make it possible to state what the function of each different aspect of intonation was , and that foreign learners could then be taught rules to enable them to use intonation in the way that native speakers use it .
13 It is a pity some of those guys do not get up and learn to do commerce in the way that the rest of the world has to and put to advantage their expensive educations which are paid for out of general taxes . ’
14 Article 5 imposes the plain language requirement and the obligation to interpret ambiguities in the way most favourable to the consumer .
15 With our proposals to reform A-levels in the way recommended by the Royal Society and others , the broader range of subjects that will be available will enable those who do not specialise in science to maintain an interest .
16 I suppose there is always the danger that the scientist will see things , will be able to interpret things in the way that he or she wishes .
17 Britain may not need to flaunt nationalism in the way characteristic of the United States but its education system can no more ignore the task of sustaining the national identity than education systems in any other nation-state .
18 I do not doubt that the majority of opinion as expressed in the submissions was opposed to the opting out process , although it is impossible to categorise opinions in the way that the hon. Gentleman would wish .
19 It may be that one of my children might want one or two of them , but nobody these days has the houses to hang pictures in the way Bunny and I have done , and I 've always known that the public will eventually enjoy them .
20 To represent Britain in the way I 'm doing , to me that 's just as good as fighting in the war .
21 The Head of Department is responsible for providing the resources to teach modules in the way that has been agreed .
22 Then he turned to his son and told him to sing fandangos in the way he had been shown .
23 The Secretary of State and I have worked hard in discussions with the brewers to get improvements in the way in which they treat their tenants .
24 Unfortunately , she was never able really to influence developments in the way that Britain should , by being right in the middle of events , and being seen as a joint , willing partner in Europe — not a country that is always ducking and diving and looking for ways of putting party and even narrow national interests before those of the wider European concept .
25 Cardiff bay has a great deal to offer Wales in the way of prestige projects , for example .
26 Perhaps it is n't necessary to explain things in the way I used to .
27 If you are patient , however , you will gradually begin to notice changes in the way that you perform actions .
28 It is not just that dealing with Old Age Pensioners who have reported missing budgies falls outside the definition of what counts as ‘ real ’ police work , the work is also disliked because it is problematic , for policemen need to display competence in the way they convey sympathy while admitting that nothing will be done .
29 In broad terms , the paper argues that as each nation has different economic priorities , it should be allowed to cut emissions in the way that seems easiest to it .
30 It may be suggested that to limit compensation in the way proposed will work unfairly in certain cases .
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