Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] to the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 As we have noted , Circular 11/77 asked Regional Advisory Councils to draw up plans for the training of full-time further education teachers and to report progress to the DES by September 1978 .
2 In particular , a mechanism was required to channel funds to the UK as compensation for the effects of CAP , from which other member states benefited disproportionately .
3 Rule 41 of the Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules ( HC 169 ) provides : ‘ A man seeking to enter the UK for marriage to a woman settled here and who intends to settle here thereafter ’ will be refused entry clearance unless the ECO is satisfied that it is not the primary purpose of the marriage to obtain admission to the UK .
4 The crucial issue still to be determined was whether the primary purpose of the marriage was to obtain admission to the UK .
5 The woman began to bear witness to the Jesus of whom she knew almost nothing , and was physically beaten up for her pains .
6 The Conservatives may have refused to sign the Social Chapter in order to attract investors to the UK 's cheap labour costs , but Rhone-Alpes has proved that you do not have to be a sweatshop to bring in foreign capital .
7 The IMF on Feb. 20 approved the draft agreement negotiated in January to provide loans to the Philippines totalling 629,400,000 special drawing rights ( US$916,000,000 ) .
8 The ministries both of foreign affairs and of defence are lobbying parliament hard to ratify START 1 and the Lisbon protocol , and to accept accession to the NPT .
9 The entry clearance officer ( ECO ) said he was not satisfied that the primary purpose of Mr Hussain 's intended marriage was not to obtain admittance to the UK .
10 The company wanted to standardise on a system which it could operate throughout Europe and the Middle East , but which , in turn , could consolidate all the European information to provide reports to the US .
11 Another month passed while they continued the old routines before company orders revealed that they were to march south to the Marne and prepare for a counter-attack against General von Ludendorff .
12 ‘ Then after the war , Disney and Reagan , he was running the Screen Actors Guild , they ganged up together to feed names to the McCarthy Committee … ’
13 On the morning of November 18th , when Wilson stood in the street to wave goodbye to the Brownings , it was hot enough for her to want to move into the shade as soon as they had gone .
14 There was a daily requisition to carry troops to the Rossall rifle ranges , leaving between 8–30 and 9–30 and returning at the end of the afternoon .
15 In what was widely interpreted as a bid for electoral advantage — securing Florida 's 25 electoral college votes was seen as essential if Bush was to win re-election to the White House — the President also announced that the government would provide 100 per cent federal reimbursement to local authorities for recovery operations , rather than the 75 per cent customary in such cases .
16 However , the determination of the drug barons to avoid extradition to the United States on drug charges was generally considered to have been the major factor behind the offer to surrender .
17 The smaller members , who would normally be defending a bid , will be able to surrender jurisdiction to the EC on any bid above the Ecu2bn threshold ; the larger ones will still adhere to the Ecu5bn limit .
18 The group had an initial membership of 2,000 and intended to contest elections to the Seimas ( parliament ) .
19 It 's nice to know that the Man Utd fans still feel so inadequate as to have to post things to the Leeds newsgroup .
20 The GLC also agreed to give funding to the Gay London Policing group ( GALOP ) , a monitoring project , in keeping with their overall concern about police accountability ; and to the September In The Pink Festival , in keeping with their policy of generating cheap , enjoyable cultural activities .
21 And then there was the disastrous failure of the Sofia National Opera 's performances of ‘ Madame Butterfly ’ and ‘ Nabucco ’ to draw crowds to the RDS , resulting in a deficit for the show of some £700,000 .
22 The buying of a teapot was part of the Burton ritual that helped to give variety to the East Anglian 's stay in the Midlands .
23 The Government will amend the law relating to the employment rights of pregnant women to give effect to the EC Directive on Pregnant Workers .
24 The Transfer Regulations , which were enacted to give effect to the EC Acquired Rights Directive 77/187 , will usually apply to a business sale if the vendor 's business is transferred to the purchaser " as a going concern " .
25 The 1975 Act had been accepted in the Court of Appeal as having been passed mainly to give effect to the Hague Convention , but that purpose nowhere appears in the text of the Act which was also designed to replace earlier United Kingdom legislation , notably the Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act 1856 in which the phrase ‘ civil or commercial matter ’ was used in a context wholly divorced from any international convention and which formed part of the law of many Commonwealth ( and common law ) countries .
26 One was a visit by two Conservatives from Tory Central Office in London to give advice to the Bush campaign .
27 General Howard sends one of his boys to give orders to the Nez Perce !
28 Cetera was subsequently cleared ( only to die later in mysterious circumstances ) but the real worry , for the DIA , was that the Italian court also found that the drug trafficking had been merely a cover , to justify payments to the Kabbaras as DEA informants .
29 Berg was also an agent of the Office of Strategic Services , which was later to give birth to the CIA .
30 In 1910 , however , the relatively conservative and impressionist-dominated ( by Liebermann , Slevogt , Corinth , and others ) executive committee of the Secession refused to give space to the Brücke painters at the annual exhibition .
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