Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [prep] more [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I note that the report to which the hon. Gentleman refers says : ’ Labour , if elected , would have little scope for increased spending in the early years unless it were willing to increase taxes by more than it has indicated . ’
2 He gave it the significance of a personal belief and turning lazily in his chair to inform Charles with more than a trace of arrogance , ‘ Old Guards ’ proverb . ’
3 If we all tried to see things from more than our own view point , the world would be a better place .
4 This is a scandal not merely because police stations are not equipped to hold prisoners for more than a day or two — everyone from Lord Justice Woolf to the Inspectorate Constabulary has condemned the present arrangement — but because police cells are now being used as a convenience to enable the Prison Department and the Home Secretary to claim that overcrowding in prisons is diminished .
5 Moreover , because depression , inflation , or other economic distress can bring down a government , and because jobs , prices , production , the standard of living , and the economic security of everyone , all tend to rest on the performance of business , politicians and administrators alike have to regard business as more than just another interest group .
6 The school 's English Department is sponsored by City Screen through a set-up called Film Education which aims to encourage students to regard films as more than pure entertainment .
7 Since France was pro-Egyptian and Britain 's fleets were otherwise engaged , the Sultan had to ask Russia for more than diplomatic assistance .
8 Example 3:7 Landlord 's power to break ( 1 ) The landlord shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than six months ' notice in writing expiring on or after [ date ] if he intends at the expiry of such notice either : ( a ) to demolish or reconstruct the demised property or a substantial part of it or to carry out substantial work of construction on the demised property or part of it ; or ( b ) to occupy the demised property for the purposes or partly for the purposes of a business to be carried on by him ( 2 ) The service of a notice under s25 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 shall be sufficient notice and good service for the purposes of the preceding subclause Example 3:8 Tenant 's power to break on refusal of planning permission The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy by not less than three nor more than six months ' notice in writing served not more than one month after the happening of any of the following events : ( 1 ) the refusal or deemed refusal by the local planning authority to renew the planning permission dated [ date ] permitting the use of the demised property for ; ( 2 ) the dismissal by the Secretary of State or an appointed person of any appeal against any such refusal ; ( 3 ) the expiry of the said planning permission Example 3:9 Tenant 's right to break preventing exercise of rights under Landlord and Tenant Act The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … by giving not less than thirteen months ' previous notice to that effect Example 3:10 Tenant 's conditional right to break The tenant shall be entitled to determine this tenancy on … if : ( 1 ) he gives thirteen months ' written notice to that effect ; and ( 2 ) both at the date of the notice and at the date of its expiry there are neither any outstanding arrears of rent nor any subsisting breach of covenant by the tenant for which the landlord would be entitled to recover damages of more than a nominal amount
9 I 've always been too busy building up my business to spare time for more than a few brief affairs . ’
10 If the new approach were adopted , Britain would have to cut emissions by more than almost anyone else — 60 percent — in order for Europe to achieve an overall cut of 30 percent .
11 ‘ We try to make playgrounds into more than ten-minute stop-offs ; they should be a community meeting place , where parents can bring a picnic and spend a happy Sunday afternoon with the children . ’
12 She stunned the medical team by attempting to make conversation for more than half an hour before she lost consciousness .
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