Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [prep] a few " in BNC.

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1 He fell headlong , his arms flailing , and struck the street hard enough to lose consciousness for a few seconds .
2 For reasons principally of economy , most county councils have preferred to concentrate development on a few villages which can then conveniently be provided with the full range of public amenities — schools , shops , libraries , sewerage facilities and so on-This saves on the enormous cost of duplicating amenities in every village and helps to direct and contain population growth to a few well-chosen sites .
3 Sometimes we need to reflect publicly , sometimes to provide space for a few moments of private reflection — this might mean the children sit quietly alone while the teacher asks questions which they respond to in their thoughts , or the reflection might take the form of a diary , or perhaps an " emotional map " charting the highs and lows of a journey/adventure/exploration .
4 Morrison South was the subject of our most disappointing decision of the year when it became apparent that our continuing effort to sell homes from a few geographically diverse sites in southern California into a very weak market was proving too expensive a strategy .
5 With this technique it is possible to restrict activation to a few cells and , by simultaneously monitoring single unit activity through a nearby recording electrode , establish the extent of spread of effective stimulation .
6 This and other studies ( e.g. Cole and Fichtler 1983 , Stohlgren and Parsons 1986 ) have led to the conclusion that the most appropriate management strategy for such wilderness areas is to restrict camping to a few designated sites , where activity can be sustained without excessive damage .
7 She hoped to announce a new initiative to tackle unemployment within a few weeks .
8 With ammunition stockpiles only sufficient to sustain combat for a few days , a lack of the requisite support crafts to service warships and insufficient wartime defence contingencies analysts said that future five-year plans needed to consolidate the qualitative rather than quantitative aspect of the Defence Forces .
9 I must confess that I find this deeply attractive , and I want to draw attention to a few Bible passages where I think this idea is being worked out .
10 Such is the general expectation that married couples will have children that those who do not want them , or want to put parenthood on a few more years , or sadly learn that they can not conceive , find themselves having to respond to veiled or not so veiled queries .
11 The Exchange discourages the use of equity shares with no or restricted voting rights , so this can not normally be used as a device to retain control amongst a few shareholders with voting rights .
12 Colleague , just one second , I do apologize for , for cutting in , but colleagues if you 're , if it 's your intention to leave Congress for a few moments please do it as quietly as possible .
13 The plan had been to leave hospital for a few days , beginning the next day .
14 Perhaps , while she hassled , she managed to forget Montaine for a few hours .
15 Each NIC has attempted to develop a broad industrial base to satisfy domestic demand and diversify exports so as to reduce reliance on a few major primary commodities , e.g. coffee , meat , rubber .
16 Physical chemists like Vernon Harcourt in Oxford were just beginning to study reaction-mechanisms in a few simple cases in the 1860s , and at the same period in France P. M. Berthelot was performing total syntheses , and in Norway C. M. Guldberg and P. Waage discovered the Law of Mass Action governing chemical equilibria .
17 We were told what to do and then left , as the instructor went to the other end of the loch to shout instructions at a few stranded boats .
18 Election poster campaigns by the main political parties customarily occupy sites previously booked by others — by clients of the party 's agency who can be persuaded to postpone campaigns for a few weeks , by the Central Office of Information ( whose government advertising goes on hold once an election is called ) or reputedly ( in the case of the Tories ) by the big brewers and tobacco companies .
19 It does not seem , in general , valuable to postpone death by a few hours at enormous cost .
20 can the children go to foster parents for a few hours , a longer period , or indefinitely ? ( see page 14 )
21 It is the second Worlingworth firm to face closure within a few weeks .
22 The crews were given caffeine tablets to keep them awake during the long flights and sometimes we managed to get hold of a few .
23 He used to deliver messages for a few club owners on this patch , ’ Culley said .
24 ‘ This young lad was getting people to mind Sam for a few days at a time .
25 I want to take part in a few more races next year and you 'll never hear of a plump jockey winning races . ’
26 Such increases in tannin in browsed Acacia nigrescens in southern Africa have been reported to take place in a few minutes and the production of ethylene during damage has been considered to be the promoter of tannin increase .
27 Put 10 cl of water and the same amount of white wine vinegar into a bowl or glass — along with three sprigs of rosemary , a sage leaf or two and three cloves of crushed garlic — and leave them all to exchange flavours for a few hours .
28 When she visited us with her boyfriend and said that she would be able to take Susan in a few weeks , we had to disguise our emotions .
29 Therefore the few staff sit up late at night to prepare lectures on a few things they know about and a lot of things they know not much about , and spend their time keeping one page ahead of the class and depending on the textbook .
30 Hugh began as a chargehand in the Teasing Department , where he returned to become foreman after a few years in the Dyed Wool Blending Department .
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