Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is a strange sight now to see vegetables growing on the pure white substrate .
2 It used to be thought by many scientists that the armoured plates stuck outwards , as in Stegosaurus , in order to hit enemies approaching from the side .
3 Three out of four UK chemical firms surveyed by Friends of the Earth failed to support proposals to extend to the UK the level of openness on toxic emissions required in the US .
4 On Wednesday morning the prince , in his role as president of Scottish Business in the Community , will visit Craigmillar to see projects developed by the local community , local authority and other agencies , with help from the Friends of Craigmillar — a group of business leaders .
5 Presently , he heard the foliage rustling behind him , and turned to see Walterkin coming over the edge of the roof .
6 ‘ The ability to perform activities required to the standards specified . ’
7 They include non-work-related tasks to enable groups to focus on the process skills rather than the task skills .
8 Draft SAS 470 sets out existing guidance in the new format including consideration of whether disclosure in financial statements is fair and the aggregate effect of uncorrected misstatements , while draft SAS 520 extends the scope of guidance in assessing other people 's work to include experts employed by the auditors .
9 I say , looking back to see Andy coming up the hill behind me , suddenly slowing and looking wary as he sees the man .
10 He would like to see safeguards built into the bill to limit the size of the new co-op and he is also critical of plans by Milk Marque to retain control of key activities like milk testing and the artificial insemination service .
11 This year Biggin 's organisers are opening the show site a day early , on Friday 19 June , to give the public an opportunity to see aircraft arriving for the Air Fair and watch performers practising for the airshow .
12 But the official opening on December 2 was the first time outsiders had been allowed to see Tencel rolling off the spinning lines .
13 The course is under constant review and is planned flexibly to enable tutors to respond to the needs of particular groups of students , but the following three paragraphs itemise some of the particular emphases given to language during the three years .
14 The charge was that the trio had ‘ conspired with persons inserting ads and with other persons to induce readers to resort to the said advertisements for the purposes of homosexual practices and thinking to debauch and corrupt public morals contrary to common law . ’
15 Craft specialization is often subsidized at the redistribution centre in a chiefdom society , so we should expect to see crafts flourishing in the temple culture of bronze age Crete : we should also expect to see craftsmen gathering in the temples , where the agricultural surpluses and imports were collected and redistributed .
16 During our extensive research on WOW ! teachers asked us to provide skills work from the beginning .
17 In December 1989 Kececiler 's faction persuaded the government to increase budget spending on the Religious Affairs Department by almost 240 per cent .
18 Churchward was determined to provide Swindon works with the best and most modern plant and machinery possible , the works having been founded in 1842 by Brunel and ( Sir ) Daniel Gooch [ q.v . ] .
19 So instead of specifying case frames ( or indeed semantic features ) for each individual word , Schank only needs to provide case frames for the primitives .
20 By two mortgages dated 18 February 1985 and 25 October 1985 respectively , the sixth plaintiff entered into legal mortgages , charging specific assets to secure moneys owed to the first defendant by the second plaintiff and its subsidiaries .
21 On 17 July 1985 , the seventh plaintiff , and on 26 July 1983 and 17 July 1985 the eighth plaintiff , also entered into legal mortgages charging specific assets to secure moneys owed to the first defendant by the second plaintiff and its subsidiaries .
22 Change the patient 's position two hourly to encourage secretions to drain from the chest and to relieve pressure on the chest wall .
23 Using these data to inform decision making about the quality of care offered by different hospitals would obviously be problematic .
24 If managerial functions are to be carried out both efficiently and effectively , then it is a prerequisite that high quality information is available to inform decision making at the various managerial levels .
25 The sections which follow will examine the way in which high quality information can be gathered and used to inform decision making at the school level .
26 The last person she needed was fitzAlan , but an attendant of humble rank would n't matter , if it helped her to obtain permission to go into the town .
27 It took the Croatian archaeologists almost a year to obtain permission to get into the Barbariga military base .
28 The income generated by the assets is accumulated and paid out at intervals , the amount paid on each unit again ( roughly ) corresponding to total income divided by the number of units in existence .
29 One of the very special things Christine did for her was to write notes to leave for the tradesmen when Miss Miggs was going to be out when they called — like NO MILK TODAY , THANK YOU , or ONE SMALL LOAF , PLEASE .
30 Examination of the quality of management decisions is included to ensure that lessons are learnt for the future and to provide data needed for the revision of systems if this proves to be necessary .
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