Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [prep] the government " in BNC.

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1 According to diplomatic sources , Mbonimpa had been opposed to the moves by President Buyoya to include Hutus in the government .
2 A Downing Street co-ordinated series of ‘ good news ’ announcements is expected to follow the Budget , to sustain momentum behind the Government 's message that recovery is on the way .
3 It was easier for them to demand money from the Government than argue plans past their local unions .
4 NORMAN Lamont will tomorrow try to revive confidence in the Government as a whole and in his management of the economy in particular .
5 The two charges concerned acts likely to incite people against the government and to undermine the authority of the President .
6 One sign of the degree of power and independence of a legislature is its capacity to extract information from the government .
7 During the General Strike , the League collaborated with other employers ' organizations , such as the FBI , to provide information to the government on coal stocks and shortages , the availability of transport and the organization of strike-breaking operations .
8 Subsequently , newly formed opposition groups , the central trade union , professional organizations , students , religious bodies and even individual members within the UDPM sought to increase pressure on the government to introduce political reforms .
9 Its role has been ‘ to provide reassurance to the government , to give support to policies which BR wish to pursue , to provide briefing material for Department of Transport Ministers in argument and negotiations with ministerial colleagues , and to provide an atmosphere of professionalism and control over the business which governments — and the public — expect ’ ( Heath 1984 : 221 ) .
10 Up to 200 children infected with HIV , the Aids virus , by tainted blood products are expected to claim compensation from the Government .
11 There is no charter to give voters the right to claim compensation from the Government when they have pursued policies that have created unemployment , homelessness , high interest rates , social injustice and economic incompetence .
12 It 's the first school in Scotland to receive permission from the government to become self-governing and has raised deep concerns in the local community .
13 It 's the first school in Scotland to receive permission from the government to become self-governing and has raised deep concerns in the local community .
14 Prince William was still at the crawling stage when they were invited to visit Australia by the government .
15 I fear that I may not be able to take part in the debate as I intend to cause trouble for the Government over Oxleas wood , which is in my constituency and that of the hon. Member for Woolwich ( Mr. Cartwright ) , but I hope that my hon. Friend will regard my support as being with him throughout the debate .
16 Businessmen from Sunkyong and Samling visited Guyana in March to open negotiations with the government and , on 17 October , signed a 25-year lease on 16,700km 2 of virgin forest — an area 10 times the size of Greater London .
17 He followed his re-election with a Cabinet reshuffle designed to strengthen support within the government for his market-oriented economic reforms .
18 The contras claimed that their action was intended to focus attention on the government 's failure to provide funds for the resettlement of former contras and their dependents .
19 Given the qualified success of the 1939 escapade , The Pensioner remarked in April 1940 that ‘ To exert pressure on the Government as a whole is to invite failure as is demonstrated by the fate of many petitions . ’
20 To combat the imminent threat of service cuts , we ask you to write to your MP , local councillors and anyone else with influence to exert pressure on the Government and British Rail to , at the very least , retain existing services .
21 The Community Support Anti-waste Scheme ( CSAWS ) was set up in 1976 with the following aims : to promote the recycling of materials ; to give support to the government 's anti-waste programme ; to provide employment for a cross section of the community ; and to stimulate industrial , community and charitable organisations to participate in the collection and recycling of waste materials .
22 Does not the Secretary of State understand that it is precisely because the TGWU is so committed to effective training and the future expansion of British industry that it is not prepared to give credence to the Government 's sham arrangements ?
23 Potential Tory rebels are threatening to withhold support for the Government in a future vote on the white paper if it does not give a firm long-term guarantee for the reprieved pits .
24 That was why the Congress of People 's Deputies was being recommended to give priority to the government 's report on the economy .
25 So the ANC has embarked on a programme of mass action to put pressure on the government .
26 We 've decided to set up a campaign to put pressure on the Government and we need someone to run the office .
27 The General Workers ' Union ( UGT ) and the Workers ' Commissions ( CCOO ) were seeking to put pressure on the government to negotiate a plan for regional reindustrialization in order to compensate for 40,000 projected job losses .
28 The pro-government Republican Party , until June a member of the Russian Movement for Democratic Reforms , also announced that it was intending to put pressure on the government and President in support of reforms .
29 Thus at times one of the Whig connections might work together with a Tory connection in the service of the administration , and they would be opposed by a combination of Whigs and Tories who were out of office and who sought to mobilise the independent back-benchers to put pressure on the government .
30 We 're hoping to put pressure on the Government to top up the kitty and guarentee pensions .
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