Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If he is able to claim privilege for the document , a copy may be admitted instead of the original .
2 Recognizing the influence of these figures , advertisers who wish to promote products in a youth market or to discourage drug abuse will summon up images of the alternative culture .
3 Examples of the satisfaction gained ranged from ‘ being able to use condition scoring techniques to monitor feeding of the ewes ’ to ‘ being able to undertake major welding repairs and construct an ‘ A-frame ’ structure for a roof'' .
4 Once the police got into the van , they found plenty of evidence to connect Charley with the murders .
5 Rohmer tried to hit Cardiff in the face with his other free fist , but Cardiff was expecting it .
6 He soon started to gather illustrations for The Tourist 's New Guide to the Lake District , but as with the Manchester plan , it took much longer than he had hoped , and the final version was not published until 1819 .
7 Even when meaningful financial rates of return were calculated , and proved to be low , but just in excess of the cost of borrowing , decisions were taken to implement projects as a result of pressure for action .
8 The Conservative government signed cheques with abandon in the run-up to the 1992 polls , and over the coming year will have to borrow £1,000 for every citizen .
9 Strange to see Swindon in the snow and Sweden in bright sunshine .
10 Ybreska reached out with both arms to embrace Kirov by the shoulders , his face wreathed in a rapturous smile .
11 But it still gives you a pang to see performers of the calibre of Stephen Moore , Sian Phillips and Sheila Steafel trapped voluntarily in a vehicle heading nowhere .
12 Today 's meeting of the TUC-unions — NUPE , Cohse , TGWU , GMB , and Nalgo — is likely to concentrate on efforts to sustain support for the action through the Christmas period .
13 The government agreed , at the end of talks with Prince Sadruddin , to extend by six months a " memorandum of understanding " , due to expire in December , permitting UN relief agencies to continue operations in the north and south of the country .
14 I had some experience of this when I lived at home , having to wait hours for the district nurses .
15 Chairman I will endeavour to arrange discussions as a matter of extreme urgency and report back to January ninety three meeting of this Committee hopefully with problems resolved .
16 The ironic thing is that the flight is to publicize damage to the ozone layer and it 's gas from fridges that causes most of that damage .
17 HUTCHISON Telecommunications has promised to invest £500m in the UK over the next four years , part of which will be used to increase the customer service department in Darlington .
18 This Report has already pointed out that something more than singing and playing may lie needed if boys and girls are to remain part of a choir or music group .
19 The Protestant majority in Ulster wished to remain part of the United Kingdom , and the province of Northern Ireland has so remained .
20 For the loyalists the purpose is to remain part of the U K and those two are so far apart , those two positions , that it 's impossible to see a bridge between them and that 's the difficulty .
21 Outlook , page 21 Bond remains with BSB : Alan Bond , the troubled Australian entrepreneur , is to pay the £27.5m required to remain part of the consortium behind British Satellite Broadcasting , the UK rival to Rupert Murdoch 's Sky Television .
22 ALAN BOND , the troubled Australian entrepreneur , will pay the £27.5m he must find to remain part of the consortium behind British Satellite Broadcasting , the UK rival to Rupert Murdoch 's Sky Television .
23 Doubt and ambivalence are transmuted into clarity and certainty , and any attempt to reintroduce complexity into the debate is rejected as ‘ mere nitpicking ’ or ‘ a deliberate attempt to muddy the issue ’ .
24 Poles were appointed to administrative posts in local government , and the law courts attempted to accommodate requests for the use of the Polish language .
25 Similarly , the cars of ramblers who do n't like to see bikes on the hills are , by weight of numbers , forcing cyclists off the road .
26 To gather signatures for the petition was a formidable task indeed , because it had to be back in Helen Martini 's hands by the following Thursday , so she could present it to No. 10 Downing Street on Friday 15 March .
27 Erm the planning conversation act nineteen ninety one requires the development plans to include policies for the conservation and that of the natural beauty and amenity of their land .
28 This kind of accountability goes beyond the narrowly defined stewardship of assets to include responsibility for the performance of those assets .
29 Gandhi 's implicit suggestion here is that it had yet to support non-violence for , as he says , bishops still felt able to support slaughter in the name of Christianity .
30 After MPs sat all night to defeat a private members ' bill to enable building of the Cardiff Barrage , the government announced that it would introduce its own bill to ensure that the measure passed into law .
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