Example sentences of "[pos pn] way [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm on my way up to town .
2 After breakfasting with the mortar team I made my way over to Brigade H.Q As I passed along the wall of the orchard I suddenly thought about the Frenchman and his family who lived in the cottage on the other side of the wall .
3 I was one of the first to leave , making my way back to Number 11 unobserved .
4 On my way back to Sunset I stopped at the press trailer .
5 As I clambered out of the trench and made my way across to Brigade H.Q I could see the jeep with the stretchers on top waiting at the entrance to the orchard .
6 According to a Nature Conservancy Council Report ( 1981b ) significant declines in swan populations in many parts of Britain are due to the ingestion of lead shot and weights which find their way on to lake and stream beds from where they are consumed as grit .
7 With the market for the costliest wines at a current low point , more and more very expensive and underaged bottles are finding their way on to high-street wine merchants ' shelves .
8 These exotic fruits are increasingly finding their way on to supermarket shelves and from there to our fruitbowls .
9 ‘ We find a lot of people stop off on their way home from work and then again on their way out to dinner .
10 ‘ For three years the Government has been cutting help to the unemployed , depriving them of the training they need and reducing their ability to find their way back to work .
11 After debriefing the other agencies and packing their equipment , the EOD team leave and make their way back to base .
12 Indeed , a number of men had already made their way back to camp , ostensibly to re-kindle their torches , but in reality to resume drinking .
13 The children , from Corporation Road Junior School , were on their way back to school from a swimming session at the Dolphin Centre .
14 Most of them find their way back to garden centres to be re-sold .
15 He left the room , and she heard his shoes whisper their way down to Room C.
16 Farm workers are an ageing labour force as the cohort from the days when they were more numerous gradually works its way through to retirement .
17 From the tour a distressing evening found its way on to TV screens .
18 In the censorship scale obscene literature might be rated as less serious than racist literature but both would have to defer to seditious literature which normally does not find its way on to library shelves .
19 Some of this money may find its way back to building societies , which can then lend it out again to other customers .
20 The party found its way back to civilization in a starving condition on an improvised raft .
21 Taking the plate gently from him she placed it in the sink , then checked the turkey one last time , turned the gas down as low as it would go and made her way up to bed .
22 Kissing all the boys , she made her way up to bed , taking her tea with her .
23 Collecting up her leaflets , she made her way up to bed , and gave in to the little grin that had been trying to break out a few minutes before .
24 How ? she pondered as she made her way down to breakfast .
25 How any attempt was going to be made when she was in Mariánské Láznë and Ven in Prague , she had n't fathomed as she made her way down to breakfast .
26 Yeah well , do n't forget now she 's on her way back to school , see !
27 It was just ten minutes to nine , and Richard walked by on his way up to World 's End to catch a bus to the office .
28 Philip had forgotten temporarily about them moving from Little Knoll , what with getting Caspar out of the tractor-shed and thinking of Lee making his way up to Jubilee Wood .
29 When two hours had passed and he had n't returned , Lyn imagined him finding his way back to Bale 's and by this act leading her there in search of him .
30 Picking up the glass ball on his way back to bed , Mungo was still haunted by the episode in the forest .
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