Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If I was not similarly open , it is merely because my embarrassments can only be laid at the door of my own folly , and not to the workings of chance . ’
2 And fifth , are there enough non-executive directors that their views can not be ignored ?
3 Sligo deserves them all and more , as for friendliness and conversation its sons can not be beaten .
4 The actors in this moment of high drama at German headquarters in Luxembourg are all long since dead and much of their discussions can not be verified .
5 As with many other sulphur-nitrogen compounds these salts are brightly coloured and their reactions can often be monitored by inspection .
6 Where ancillaries can not be afforded , their skills can often be found less conveniently amongst teaching staffs themselves , or else acquired ; and it was noted by many schools visited during the Resource Centre Project that a surprising potential sometimes existed in voluntary form in the community .
7 Thus it is prior to the system of government , not part of it , and its rules can not be derived from that system .
8 If they find that their plans can not be carried out , this teaches them that their anticipations concerning the decisions of others were overly optimistic .
9 For Pateman , participatory democracy hinges on the premise that individuals and their institutions can not be placed apart .
10 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
11 Their copulations can not be the somewhat hit-and-miss gropings practised by the millipedes .
12 The position and ideology of Ulster unionists is such that their goals can not be divided .
13 Some head teachers — a minority , I am glad to say — ask why their schools can not be inspected by inspectors they know .
14 Its origins can only be guessed at .
15 How their absence of social distinction affected the performance of their duties can only be guessed .
16 To keep the family together must be the first aim , and the separation of the child from its parents can only be justified when there is no possibility of securing adequate care for that child in his own home .
17 Their effects can not be isolated from the HLCA system ; in essence it has been the availability of substantial levels of grant plus the guarantee of HLCAs on the increased numbers of animals which can be kept on the agriculturally improved grassland , which together have constituted a substantial incentive for such capital improvements .
18 It is well known that Homoeopathic remedies are very dilute in their preparation though their effects can not be explained so simply .
19 While that movement has nowhere been wholly completed and has gone less far in some countries than in others , there is no western nation where its effects can not be seen .
20 IN FACT , Pop Judgement Day hit Manchester years ago , but its effects can still be felt here today .
21 Although Garvey and Caramazza describe implicit causality as a property of verbs , it is , as we have already implied , best regarded as an aspect of world knowledge and , as such , its effects can readily be accommodated within the mental models framework , particularly if one assumes with Ladusaw & Dowty ( 1988 ) that generalizations about roles associated with verbs lie in the domain of world knowledge rather than linguistic theory .
22 This does not matter too much , because gravity is such a weak force that its effects can usually be neglected when we are dealing with elementary particles or atoms .
23 The plan was so concise and symmetrical that its lines can still be traced today , especially if you look down on Aarau from a height .
24 Descriptions of houses and their environs can sometimes be reconstructed from such items as ‘ goods in the hall , in the middle chamber , in the hall-chamber , in the kitchen , in the milkhouse , in the barn and another barn . ’
25 This rule is the bane of fiction writers , who must take special care to ensure that the more villainous characters in their plots can not be mistaken for living persons .
26 Their curvatures can only be obtained rigorously from the solution of Einstein 's equation .
27 ‘ Any help the public can be given to clear up after their dogs can only be applauded .
28 Her ideas can fairly be described as the intersection of personal and group fantasies .
29 How can they develop a coherent strategy for residential care in general if the needs of dementing elderly people and their carers can not be met by more positive and appropriate patterns of care ?
30 Their needs can then be addressed separately though not ignored . ’
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