Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] would [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes my sisters would play the piano but the music had to be of the kind suitable for Sunday .
2 ‘ Well ma'am , there 's some scraps of food left over and … it 's bold of me to say so … but if it was going to be wasted I know my cousins would feel the benefit .
3 This competition made conflicts more likely and meant that in any conflict rival groups of Indians would be involved ; those who traded with the French would support them , and their enemies would support the British , so that Indian skirmishing inland played a larger part in the fighting of the 1740s than in previous wars .
4 The Commission admits that its proposals would increase the cost of the common agricultural policy to the Community budget .
5 Just as Wunis Abdulhadi was able to opt out among friends , but knew that in a conflict he could not walk down the street without danger of attack from Zuwaya , so ‘ the obligation to fight ’ arose from people 's perception that their opponents would assume the worst possible case — — that everyone who had a theoretical obligation to fight would do so .
6 Such a drug , he suggests , would be not unlike crack , and the poor shmucks who were n't UMC would love it , while those who 'd worked so hard for their privileges would despise the short-cut : you 're either UMC or you are n't , simulacra wo n't do .
7 To raise her knees would cause the ropes securing her body to cut into her flesh .
8 It was hardly the way her readers would expect the creator of Nathan Latimer to react to a crisis , she thought , ashamed of her weakness .
9 For them it may be right to say that no conceivable circumstance in their lives would change the nature of their convictions .
10 Soon a dozen or so hands were raised and after their names had been written down and details of what their duties would involve the meeting was brought to a close .
11 He warned , however , that some of the ministers , and especially Henderson and Graham , would not accept such economies , and that their resignations would necessitate the resignation of the entire government .
12 Its decisions would be mandatory , and its responsibilities would concern the direction of domestic and foreign policy .
13 In time their names would identify the biggest British trading concern in the Far East .
14 The animal was tethered in the byre , its hugely muscled body down on its knees like a sacred beast from Indian mythology — garlands around its horns would complete the picture .
15 Their holders would adopt the same position of relative irrelevance that they hold in the republican democracies of Europe .
16 He thought its vibrations would shake the pictures off the walls and the vases off the spindly legged tables they had passed in the hall below .
17 Yes , she did say last time one of her friends would like the job .
18 Its members would prefer the repeal of the blasphemy laws rather than their extension .
19 I just wish its critics would give the scheme time to work .
20 If the whole team stands in a row , their numbers would give the result 123 , 456.789
21 Univel acknowledged its cuts would impact the Santa Cruz Operation , which it described as a ‘ partner , ’ but explained that its focus was on Microsoft .
22 They would express an unqualified opinion in these circumstances , taking into account the treatment of any matters affected by uncertainty ; auditors would draw attention to the way in which inherent uncertainties had been treated ; and their reports would state the date on which the audit was completed and on which their opinion is expressed .
23 After a course of antibiotics in pregnancy , women will still be vulnerable to reinfection via sexual intercourse , while extension of prophylaxis to their spouses would double the cost without necessarily guaranteeing improved efficacy .
24 Speculation that its soldiers would attack the town of Pailin on the Thai border has died down , as it became clear that to hold Pailin would be more of a liability than an asset .
25 The members of the second party lined the edge of the highway facing the woods , forming a trap into which their colleagues would drive the fleeing sect heavies .
26 The more banking is based on the confidence of the customer in the individual bank and the closer , therefore , the bank-customer relationship is , the more severely any misuse of confidential information by a bank or its employees would jeopardize the confidence of present and … future customers of that bank and thereby damage the bank through the loss of business and clients to its competitors .
27 The court accepted the view of the executive that to give advance notice of their intentions would run the risk of action which would disrupt the operation of the intelligence services .
28 Its missions would include the defence of western Europe and humanitarian and peacekeeping operations .
29 Before his eyes would cavort the typed words in the file of Michael Holly .
30 He felt safe now , because only his eyes would see the terrible changes in that beautiful face .
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