Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 My reasons are the same as those given by the Court of Appeal .
2 My schooldays are the one period of my life to which I do not care to refer and were anything but happy .
3 My tactics are the same as last season — I 'm trying to finish every race but I 'm not holding back from victory .
4 I and my tracks were the only sign of life .
5 Do n't worry about it — many of my paintings are the same !
6 My favourites are the nosy parker whose computer opens curtains whenever anyone passes her window , and computerised bath that finds the lost soap .
7 My favourites are the seedless Thompson raisins for everyday baking and for including in salads and pilafs , and the larger lexia raisins from Australia , which are usually seeded and are ideal for special cakes and puddings .
8 My dreams are the only place where no one can touch me .
9 My members were the worst representatives of the then-prevailing largely rotten British management .
10 Monday , 22nd : 11.00 : I gave a lecture on ‘ Grammar and Rhetoric : Two Aspects of Communication ’ at Jawaharlal Nehru University , where my hosts were the two .
11 They precept on the constituent district councils and they receive direct grant from Government and the problems encountered in Derbyshire where the county council reduced the budget approved by the police authority have been quite eliminated and that My Lords is the only reasons that I have been able to trace so far for amending the law as this Bill proposes .
12 Their influence , however , was incalculable , and the most famous of its exponents was the prolific Richard Norman Shaw .
13 We shall denote any state by the letter G. Suppose that in the first phase of a learning cycle , while its inputs are the desired settings Sk , each state G occurs with frequency P(G) .
14 ‘ You always did say that her fairies were the lightest you ever tasted . ’
15 ‘ I know some people say their schooldays were the best days of their life . ’
16 Among its creditors is the hapless Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ) , which has loans and other exposure to Federconsorzi worth 430 billion lire .
17 BIS had its beginnings as the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Task Force and one of its products was the Bibliographic instruction handbook , a practical guide to the establishment and design of library instruction programmes for academic libraries .
18 In the private sector its notes were the main medium of exchange for London transactions ; circulation reached £6 million in 1785 , backed by a sizeable fraction of the country 's bullion stock .
19 Randy , Merlin , Paul and Trace rode with a swagger and there was no doubt their ponies were the sleekest , fittest and most expensive of all .
20 He thought that if people such as the Iroquois of North America practised a particular type of agriculture it could be assumed that their institutions were the same as those of long dead prehistoric peoples who had a similar level of technology .
21 Some Finnish singers thought the sampo was their own poetry ; all agreed that its fragments were the true prosperity of Suomi .
22 Her eyes are the keenest green I have ever seen as though they , too , have been dyed .
23 Her eyes were the clearest of blues ; her skin was flawless , without the faintest line to mar its perfection .
24 In true light the old woman 's skin was brown and her hair indeed was white as cotton , while her eyes were the boiled white of eggs .
25 As the centre of the latter is only a half hour 's walk away , many of its attractions are the same ( and for these please see entry for Topp 's Hotel ) .
26 You 're not alone in your embarrassment — most of your friends will know exactly what you 're going through , having been through it themselves when their kids were the same age .
27 ‘ Well , its legs were the upturned legs of a billiard table .
28 Tinitus in her ears is the only physical reminder of the violent illness … which left her unconscious and close to death .
29 Their voices were the only ones in the room .
30 Directors need to make swift , well-informed decisions to ensure that their companies are the first to react and are able to grow at their competitors ' expense .
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