Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps my attempts to undermine the managers credibility are coming to fruition at last : - ) ) )
2 ( Balvinder Singh , in a fit of unusual prudishness , had long since refused to come on my trips to see the eunuchs in Old Delhi : ‘ Mr William .
3 I closed my eyes to inspect the patterns , but only the burning after-image remained , fading like the glow on the metal plate .
4 My parents hid the Jews in their apple loft for two months , Baptiste said : then when the Germans found them they locked them up in here .
5 The responses we received to the consultation document were considered carefully and my officials discussed the issues raised with the auditing practices board and with other interested parties in the regulated sectors .
6 One of my officials chairs the experts committee that laid the groundwork for this achievement .
7 As the Lord President will be aware , visitors to Wales are always given a warm welcome and a nice cup of tea , but coachloads of my constituents visiting the Houses of Parliament are cold-shouldered and can not obtain refreshments anywhere .
8 I went on a tour with my sisters to see the frescoes in Florence .
9 It 's one of my jobs to meet the boats and this involves assembling the visitors and talking to them for a short while about the wildlife and rules of the island .
10 John was an old friend who in the early 1960s had helped me greatly with my struggles to persuade the powers-that-be of the necessity of making the carriage of flight recorders in major public transport aircraft mandatory .
11 Their titles invoke the Situationists ' rhetorical use of long and rhapsodic titles .
12 Their possessions dominated the roads leading north from Limoges to Poitou and Berry .
13 While their chauffeurs kept the engines running , the stunned bicheiros were handcuffed and paraded away in their silk suits to jail .
14 Although all firms that go into IVAs are automatically referred to the Institute 's Investigation Committee , the Committee 's policy is that it will adjourn consideration of their cases to give the arrangements time to work , unless there is evidence of fraud , falsehood or gross recklessness .
15 Most professionals , however , did not have the market value nor did their clubs have the resources to behave like this .
16 Evidently , when data is processed by the current system , candidate words must also be replaced by their indices to unify the representations .
17 Threats by angry complainants and their solicitors to stop the presses with eleventh-hour injunctions are largely bluff .
18 We need the Government to be assiduous in its attempts to eliminate the obstacles that hinder companies ' ability to compete effectively in the international environment .
19 The actions of Hoover and its attempts to undermine the wages and conditions of union members .
20 Each and every June , the world 's top amateur cyclists get on their bikes to pedal the roads , lanes , hills and mountains of Britain .
21 They regarded the General-Secretary 's wife as uncouth and comic in her attempts to ape the styles of the more chic among the Communist élite .
22 Its status or ( as importantly ) its lack of value creates complex systems of meaning which are rarely articulated ; for the police world has similar strictures to that which Benedict ( 1967 ) described in her attempts to understand the rigidities of Japanese culture :
23 Instead , they recognised the value of superior workmanship and used its products to honour the gods who were intermediaries between man and the infinite power of the universe .
24 ‘ Sorry ! ’ she grinned awkwardly as her fingers searched the recesses of the paper and found nothing .
25 Without her even being aware she was doing it , her fingers rearranged the items on the desk .
26 Her fingers tickle the hairs on the back of my hand .
27 Her fingers seized the scissors from his slackened grasp , and she snipped at the strand of hair he held .
28 Her fingers pressed the switches and the lights on the ceiling of the incident room flickered into life .
29 She looked at him , her fingers threading the beads blind .
30 When the first giraffes began to stretch their necks to reach the leaves of trees , they were choosing a new habit that would guide the future development of their species over a vast period of time .
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