Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [was/were] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Her plans were overthrown the first day when the president requested that she should be chaplain .
2 In 1977 , however , it was taken over by the institut , and when their funds were depleted a mainly American foundation came to the rescue .
3 People living near the site say that during last years festival their lives were made a misery .
4 A TEENAGER who wants to ‘ divorce ’ her parents was made a ward of court yesterday .
5 Their efforts were given a civic start when the Mayor , Coun Rita Fishwick , donated a football signed by members of Darlington FC .
6 No one expected the pastoral Masai to go out to work en masse as agricultural labourers for the Europeans , and so their officers were spared the necessity of acting as labour recruiters — in itself enough to lighten the heart of any administrative officer in Kenya .
7 The civilians apparently including young Croat soldiers who had abandoned their uniforms were offered the choice of leaving or staying by a UN aid worker .
8 At last her bags were given the magic chalk marks and she was free to go .
9 Their Lordships were shown a judgment of the Supreme Court of Canada in Stinchcombe v. The Queen ( unreported ) , 7 November 1991 from which it appears that ( partly in reliance on section 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms ) a much wider view is taken of the prosecution 's duty of disclosure of documents to the defence , namely , that , subject to certain discretions as to whether and when disclosure should be made , the Crown has a legal duty to disclose all relevant information to the defence on the basis that
10 On each of their minds was imprinted the mental image of that violated face , the half-open mouth stuffed with hair , those staring , sightless eyes , and his presence intensified the picture , brought it into sharper focus .
11 Their horses were fed a meal of oats and bran to make them more fiery .
12 In British Airways staff and their representatives were offered the opportunity to help generate ideas , and this resulted in very imaginative ways of reducing the cost of employing people without necessarily making them redundant or reducing their income .
13 One of his sons was given a place , as a charity , at the Greenwich Hospital School and in 1901 his daughter was given a civil list pension of £30 for her father 's discoveries .
14 When he moved at this time to larger premises at no. 5 Charing Cross , his maps were reputed the finest being engraved anywhere in the world .
15 His speeches were hardened a little , but he was n't much good at abuse or jokes or stridency or sneering .
16 She had never heard the whole story , but apparently some of his ideas were considered a little too daring for the traditionalists in Tokyo , and he found the rug pulled from under him .
17 Once , his exploits were followed every week by 200,000 adoring young fans .
18 He was a remarkable soldier and for his pains was given a domain at Jičín ( where he re-planned the town ) , the dukedom of Friedland and the duchy of Mecklenburg .
19 The speed limit on our motorways was reduced the other day , and I give a cheer for that .
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