Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I had begun to desire some balance in my life and after that my socialising was toned down and my private moments stepped up .
2 She did n't know much about art before but there was an exhibition of my Old Masters going on at the Royal Academy and she saw that , and was very enthusiastic about it , especially the Holbein portrait of Henry VIII .
3 It was bad enough to have to spend my days acting as occupational therapist to a bunch of linguistic basket-cases without having my social acquaintances dropping in to witness my degradation .
4 As one of my hon. Friends pointed out today , it is typical that , when finally pushed into a corner and forced to be specific , the Leader of the Opposition picked for unqualified Labour party support the one area of European Community policy that would cost this country .
5 I 'd been house-sitting for Nassim Nassim 's cousin Sunil in Leytonstone for a week now , which meant that the five-day house-warming party where all my so-called friends drop in to see how I 'm coping , how much booze I 've laid on and what the music centre 's like , had come to an end .
6 Sails , well we had one or two sailing ships in my early days come up but the majority are steam .
7 This is quite a feat , for not even when a lunch is offered do my parliamentary colleagues turn up in droves for a morning seminar .
8 You want to psycho-analyse me and send me home with all my little idiosyncrasies ironed out ! ’
9 It is a poor leader who does not know his opposite numbers , and while I do not go to the extent of General Montgomery in the desert with a picture of my primary competitors hanging on the wall of my office , I know them all , and have a healthy respect for them .
10 ‘ We have good discussions , ’ he wrote , ‘ but there are none of the snide comments about ‘ my Russian mates carving up Poland ’ or ‘ my Commie friends getting more than they bargained for ’ when Russia invaded Finland , that I had on the building job . ’
11 My fellow residents turned out to be a chap in his late thirties who was trying to put his life back together after the death of his wife and various other things , and a chap of about my age who had also run into problems after his wife died .
12 Operation the sixth of December on the little finger er and my other fingers swelled up
13 Both my new friends pointed out Drumcliff Church ( C. of I. ) as the place where W. B. Yeats was buried .
14 My new companions break up the cigarettes , and make tea with the herb .
15 I may not have much to bequeath , but I can not endure the thought of my loved ones squabbling over my best earrings .
16 Is not it extraordinary that Opposition Members are sanctimoniously concerned about leaks when their Front-Bench spokesmen live off leaks from Departments ?
17 This was n't ocean and her frilly skirts dancing up the beach : this stuff was a giant slug swelling and heaving its monstrous skirts along the sand like a curse .
18 Suddenly she came alive and her hazel eyes lit up as she took out a large album from a walnut bureau .
19 As they trace their lazy parabolas back down to earth , these bits twist around slowly , over and over , until they hit the ground with a flop or a flump , splodging out to form round , flattish masses .
20 In a pilot scheme carried out from September to November last year , the Japan fisheries Information Centre combined data from the US NOAA-7 satellite with information from its usual sources to draw up charts predicting the whereabouts of fish .
21 The static checkpoint operation continued for most of the day , relieved only When elements of the company were flown from their entrenched positions to set up snap checkpoints on roads that could not be covered permanently .
22 THE GOVERNMENT is ready to abandon its controversial plans to set up registers of land which may be contaminated .
23 Nana 's neighbours risked their rusted axles to carry up heavy goods for the store , and on the last Tuesday of each month the soda company sent a small pickup to collect its empty bottles .
24 British Telecom is now exploiting its freedom as a commercial company to the full , where Telekom has to hand over all its hard-earned profits to prop up a grossly overmanned and inefficient postal and post-bank service .
25 In the end Mrs Stavrogin and her expectant mothers lose out — if indeed there was ever any winning — while Mrs von Lemke 's needy governesses bring that determined woman victory , but then defeat .
26 Most mammalian predators are effective hunters of small mammals , hunting mostly at night , and they produce the greatest modifications to the bones of their prey because they use their shearing teeth to break up their prey before ingestion .
27 East of the Fosse in Townsend Close , the buildings apparently also went out of use , with their associated plots given over to burials , which again followed the earlier layouts and rarely contained any grave goods ; observation of roadworks between Townsend Close and Heave Acre revealed yet more similar burials .
28 Since the stars near the edge of the galaxy orbit more slowly than those close in , observations of their galactic orbits tie in closely with measurement of their distances from Earth .
29 Near Longcroft Farm , the Hope Brook is joined by the Flaxley Brook , their combined waters flowing on towards Westbury ( the Westbury Brook ) providing the power for Westbury Mill .
30 In autumn when the plants have begun to die down naturally the perennials should have their flowered stems cut off at ground level , if not already done , and annuals should be dug up and put for compost .
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