Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] [to-vb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 With such idle thoughts , I repaired to my virginal couch to stack up some zeds in the sleep bank .
2 But , desperately uncertain about my future employment , I was very soon making it my urgent business to find out .
3 Naturally , when I made this suggestion to St John and his sisters , they protested strongly , and it was with great difficulty that I finally managed to convince them of my firm intention to carry out this plan .
4 My arbitrary decision to hang up gauze and let draught play on it , but not my decision what the result of that play would be .
5 I 'm at the centre of a giant trapezoid monument to life : poised between dumb gravity and my senseless urge to struggle on .
6 MR SMITH savaged the Tories for wasting £1 billion in their failed bid to prop up the pound on Black Wednesday .
7 In a pilot scheme carried out from September to November last year , the Japan fisheries Information Centre combined data from the US NOAA-7 satellite with information from its usual sources to draw up charts predicting the whereabouts of fish .
8 The static checkpoint operation continued for most of the day , relieved only When elements of the company were flown from their entrenched positions to set up snap checkpoints on roads that could not be covered permanently .
9 THE GOVERNMENT is ready to abandon its controversial plans to set up registers of land which may be contaminated .
10 The position of the Socialist Unity Party — Party of Democratic Socialism ( SED-PDS — since December the new name of the communist Socialist Unity Party or SED — see pp. 37107-09 ) had been badly damaged over its controversial attempt to set up a successor organization to the hated State Security police or " Stasi " .
11 Nana 's neighbours risked their rusted axles to carry up heavy goods for the store , and on the last Tuesday of each month the soda company sent a small pickup to collect its empty bottles .
12 Expectations were that it would not be possible to bring forward legislation until the next session of parliament but Mr McFall is hoping that his bill will provide the Government with an earlier opportunity to act and prove ministers are serious about their declared intention to crack down on crime .
13 He also took the unusual step of appealing to all electors whatever their political persuasion to turn out and vote , a move that reflected unease among the party leadership that , with the polls showing a narrow Labour lead , its supporters might take victory for granted .
14 British Telecom is now exploiting its freedom as a commercial company to the full , where Telekom has to hand over all its hard-earned profits to prop up a grossly overmanned and inefficient postal and post-bank service .
15 Most mammalian predators are effective hunters of small mammals , hunting mostly at night , and they produce the greatest modifications to the bones of their prey because they use their shearing teeth to break up their prey before ingestion .
16 As there was no other business the Conference concluded quickly after its momentous decision to set up a national organisation of the deaf and dumb .
17 A farming community , existing as a hamlet in ancient times , it probably developed its agricultural resources to fit in with Kilham , which was at one time the chief market town in this part of the East Riding .
18 In historical studies the actual quotation from the appropriate Act of Parliament or the speech from Hansard or the letter from the collected correspondence may be the vital piece of information which needs to be placed in its right position to fill in a sort of jigsaw pattern which gives what can only be the one consistent answer .
19 THE Government was last night presented with a challenge to act speedily on its declared intention to crack down on knife carrying in Scotland .
20 They use their chisel-like teeth to dig out a complex system of burrows , and solidify the ceilings by pressing the soil with their flattened heads .
21 Miss Miggs had only her old-age pension to live on , and the return fare to Gridford , Christine found out , was very nearly seven pounds .
22 And the couple are now taking an early-break break from their civic duties to patch up their differences .
23 Hewlett-Packard is going to try to steal some of Sun 's thunder this week by getting their top honchos to roll out a high-end multi-processor , reportedly code named Emerald , that will come to use the recently announced 7100 PA-RISC chip .
24 Alix went upstairs to her old bedroom to take off her white dress and to put on her pale-blue linen Jaeger going-away dress .
25 that this conference congratulates our Bolshevik comrades of Russia on their splendid efforts to bring about a general peace , and their unflinching opposition to the brigands of international capital , though we deplore the fact that their efforts to stir the workers of all the belligerents to revolutionary action has not so far met with success , yet we promise to do all in our power to awaken the proletariat of this country to class consciousness so that a speedy end may overtake the tyranny of capital .
26 But there is nothing wrong with their set-piece department , and their overall ability to play out wide .
27 By allowing their fleets and armies to be run down under Bel-Korhadris and Aethis , the Elves of Ulthuan had allowed their dark kindred to catch up and almost overhaul them in military might .
28 Billy Bonds , West Ham 's manager , keeps on saying that his team must win all their remaining matches to stay up , but they keep on losing instead .
29 Sedgefield need victories in all three of their remaining games to keep in with a chance .
30 He 'd cut short her agonised attempts to blurt out her problems .
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