Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] to any [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I did tell Mrs. Jervis for my heart was almost broken , but I opened not my mouth to any other .
2 The fundamental issue at stake here was not the merits or otherwise of the League , but whether the peace movement should lend its support to any reconstruction of security arrangements short of the total renunciation of the use of force .
3 The local community-based organizations that have since formed have been more basic in their opposition to any mining and have taken political organization — through lobbying , petitions , demonstrations and public meetings — as their mode of operation .
4 Mr Connolly was speaking after a meeting of his committee at which he and members reaffirmed their opposition to any form of water privatisation — including the introduction of a franchise system .
5 Although throughout the preceding century case law decisions had narrowed its scope and denied its extension to any trade not in being at the time of its passage , it had remained nevertheless of great importance as a legitimating symbol of skilled labour 's " rights " .
6 Unless the contractor expr expressly says otherwise , employers need the consent of workers or their union to any change in terms and conditions .
7 primarily and fundamentally one who is friendly , a good mixer , of sound character and having much commonsense ; she must be patient , not easily put out by misbehaviour or pressure of work , remaining calm at all times ; she must like children and be tolerant of them and their ways and also of her colleagues ; she must be willing to turn her hand to any job that needs to be done in the department even if it is normally done by people junior to herself .
8 Three joints let it move its gripper to any point in 3-dimensional space ; and then two more let it point its gripper in any direction ; the sixth lets it twist its gripper round the gripper 's axis ; and the last opens and closes the gripper .
9 And that answer fitted every question he was asked , as did his response to any poser that could be put to him ‘ thirty-five years ’ .
10 But Mr Shamir has given no sign of softening his opposition to any contact with the PLO , or with Palestinians from outside , including those deported for activities hostile to Israel .
11 The Speaker of the House of Representatives , Thomas S. Foley ( Dem. , Washington ) , stated his opposition to any amendment of the Bill of Rights , however , arguing that the issue of flag burning was not so important as to make it " worth tampering with the most important repository of personal liberty that any country has ever established in its history " .
12 One of these gentlemen , Buchanan of Balfunning , who had not yet offered his vote to any candidate , was quite open about his ambitions for , as Ardkinglas remarked , ‘ he declairs … he is ready to vote for me providing ther is any thing done for John Buchanan his son ’ .
13 His attitude to any form of authority was irreverent to say the least , and a story still went the rounds of how , at the age of fifteen , he won a sporting scholarship to a relatively new and very expensive boarding school .
14 One of the patients named in charge 3 , Ian Royan , said he had never authorised Dr Mumby to give his name to any journalist but was telephoned by Archie Mackay of the Sunday Mail and agreed to rendezvous with him at Dr Mumby 's next clinic .
15 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
16 If his appointor is for the time being absent from the United Kingdom or temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability his signature to any resolution in writing of the Directors shall be as effective as the signature of his appointor .
17 She did n't know if he wanted a wife and children , but she knew that , having set his hand to any task , he would carry it through to the end .
18 An occupier of premises owes the same duty , the ‘ common duty of care ’ , to all his visitors , except insofar as he is free to and does extend , restrict , modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise .
19 The duty set out in s. 2(1) OLA 1957 applies ‘ except insofar as he ( the occupier ) is free to and does extend , restrict , modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise ’ .
20 ( c ) Exclusion Section 2(1) states : An occupier of premises owes the same duty , the " common duty of care " to all his visitors , except in so far as he is free to and does extend , restrict , modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise .
21 From the individual 's point of view , his whole life is governed by whether or not he is on the ‘ go-team ’ or co-ordinator 's list , and when at home , out of working hours , every time the telephone rings there is the possibility that the inspector will be on his way to any place on earth within an hour or so .
22 He was at all times happy , said his lordship , to give his assent to any measure that could relieve the unfortunate debtor without giving an opportunity to the adulterer , the swindler etc. to take advantage of the same law — .
23 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
24 Open up yu self to any possibility
25 Valuable experience can be gained in small agencies anywhere because you may have to turn your hand to any job that needs doing at a given moment .
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