Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once we were past the village on the road up to the major , Sir Edmund , recalling my story about the ambush , ordered the soldiers to fan out before us .
2 I liked the way Karen had picked up that my story about the wallet was in fact a message , and I liked the message she was sending back even more .
3 He did n't believe my story about the Star Zoo … until the robot told him it was all true .
4 My quizzing about the intellectual world which I was about to enter with some trepidation left him with a wry smile , which puzzled me for some time after , as my naïvety about the world of further education lasted well into my early days in college .
5 What my hon. Friend says causes me some concern , in addition to my hesitation about the merits of regional banding .
6 As for his invitation — if I catch you at 1997 with him or any other man , I 'll revoke my decision about the wedding night , and take you to bed immediately ! ’
7 My worry about the half is that we should have had a few goals in , rather than just the one .
8 Did you like my bit about the chip in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ?
9 I ca n't change my mind about the name Lemarchand as suddenly as this . ’
10 ‘ I can phone from anywhere , and I 'll go mad if I have nothing to take my mind off that worthless brother-in-law of mine , but I 've changed my mind about the wall .
11 Another thought came into my mind about the flat , but I dozed off without identifying clearly what it was .
12 However , I changed my mind about the seriousness of Denning 's pronouncements when it was declared a few weeks later that the case of the Birmingham Six was to be reconsidered .
13 But , of course , the performed Hamlet is not the medium through which my thinking about the play has largely been derived .
14 But you have n't answered my question about the problem of painting and stupidity ?
15 Erm , well my question about the break-in at the Kingsway flats launderette , erm in the launderette the facilities are controlled by a vending machine built into the wall .
16 I notice you do n't answer my question about the woman to clean .
17 I told you my joke about the lighthouse .
18 Yeah th that was , that was the that was my point about the size of the country , and I think
19 So I plugged in Marshall 's JMP-1 preamp and instantly the Utopia 's sound crossed over the water , reinforcing my point about the preamp being the life and soul of any rack .
20 An article in The Independent on Sunday on 19 May clearly substantiates my point about the danger of an explosion in knife violence .
21 And it comes back to my point about the allocation of green fields and the there should be no more of that because there 's already enough allocated .
22 My query about the weight is to ascertain the dose of anaesthetic to put in the barrel of the dart which is shot into the animal by the Cap Chur gun .
23 I hope that the hon. Gentleman will take the trouble both to read my announcement about the improvements in cold weather payments this year and to go to the Library to see how those allocations are made .
24 I know that my hon. Friend the Minister is well aware of the widespread concern among arable farmers in my constituency about the EC Commission 's proposals to review potato marketing .
25 My hon. Friend will know of the considerable worry in the Radcliffe part of my constituency about the prospect of an opencast coal mine being developed there .
26 Last night , Mr McNeilage 's father , Alan , said : ‘ There has been a lot of fighting in the area , and one of the officials of the fund which finances the operation phoned on Wednesday and told my wife about the problems .
27 And if my theory about the power of celluloid is true , it follows that what 's real in the movies today will be real for the rest of us tomorrow .
28 I asked my father about the people in the adjoining houses , they must have lived in perpetual fog , and I remember he told me that perhaps they got their houses at a reduced rent .
29 The neck is fixed to the body exactly as on the Teardrop , and my comment about the strap button on that guitar also applies here ; the Phantom is very neck heavy and needs all the help it can get to stay on an even keel .
30 I saw that afterwards , I rather wanted to hang it on this so 's I could put in my comment about the plane
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