Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] have a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To demonstrate his empathy with the women whom he spends his life treating , he adds that : ‘ If my beard had a 6 per cent chance of turning malignant I would shave it off . ’
2 my mum has a small shop in the South of France ?
3 for young people and if one of the things that corporations to my mind have a positive duty to do which is the social responsibility and we live in a society so increasingly fractured , rudderless and you know not so far away in places from anarchy that they have a duty to do things which effect maybe to see one the Bs not the A ones the Bs
4 Actually , this was easily explained away by my insistence on regular partial water changes ( my pond having a guzzling bottom drain to waste ) .
5 My borough has a large number of refugees , and I am concerned that the Bill may enable some authorities to avoid any responsibility for refugees .
6 What if I had a 90 per cent chance of surviving , but my child had a similar chance of being badly handicapped ?
7 How will I know that my child has a fair chance at Compact opportunities ?
8 My group has a good sense of teamwork .
9 ‘ I told him — my husband had a hard job , he was n't working for a time .
10 Janet added : ‘ My husband had a wicked sense of humour and had to have the last laugh in life and death .
11 My husband has a new job but he is unable to start work because he can not leave Oman .
12 I raise this matter also because my constituency has a high percentage of unfit housing .
13 My friend had a similar experience .
14 Once , my partner and I were not allowed to play on a vacant court , just because my friend had a brown sweatshirt on , and there was a veterans doubles match on the next court — we might put them off by playing on the vacant court !
15 But as I run my bath , I am reminded that my self has a physical outline .
16 My wife had a green one done of her body once .
17 At any rate she cut him short : ‘ Are you saying that my father had a shameful secret of some sort ? ’
18 ‘ But remember , Pip , my father had a good heart . ’
19 And there was nothing for my father had a few drinks you know and he 'd come home and he he 'd just come he 'd he 'd b be whistling coming up the street you know .
20 The tests on this sample confirmed the vet 's opinion that my dog has a metabolic disorder .
21 Therefore , parents in my area have a true choice .
22 My daughter had a wooden train set when she was a toddler ; construction toys have been available to both children , so we have dolls ' cots and buggies , plastic swords , sewing cards , cars and garages .
23 My daughter has a well-stocked medicine cabinet . ’
24 My grandmother had a beautiful satin box with flowers painted on the cover .
25 England are unlikely to qualify , and Wales in my book have a less than even chance .
26 My grandfather had a weak heart , and he died in this way .
27 I think my dad had a few differences with them on the upbringing of his children . ’
28 I knew my gold had a sacred efficacy .
29 My company has a large number of creditors in its balance sheet that have been outstanding for between two and four years .
30 Our Chairman was a master printer , older than I was but an extremely good-looking man , so that my excitement had a sexual side as well as a political one .
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