Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [to-vb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 And then sailed from Montreal , I was going to go back my , it was my intention to go back to New York , but I changed my mind at Montreal and sailed down the St Lawrence from Montreal , back to Glasgow .
2 ‘ I wonder how long it took for my message to get through to the patrol cars on the road , ’ Patrick said .
3 I do n't want my son to grow up to be a sexual pervert because of lessons he 's learned at school .
4 She begs her sister to go up to the top of the tower of the castle and look out for them , and keeps calling out to her , ‘ Anne , sister Anne , dost thou see nothing coming ? ’
5 ‘ They have also to be congratulated for their willingness to talk openly to outsiders such as school pupils about the problems caused by alcohol dependency in an attempt to help reduce the problem within the community . ’
6 The Community of Madonna House expressed their willingness to go out to parishes and help with prayer or study groups if requested .
7 Before they met , Marshall announced the absurd news that enquiries in the rag trade had revealed that Trilyn , notorious for its inability to stand up to heavy wear , was most frequently used for trouser pockets .
8 This mother has forced her tot to face up to the ordeal of withdrawal symptoms because she could n't control her own habit .
9 At the moment , no law requires any company or research organisation to notify the HSE of its intention to scale up to fully commercial production in the field of genetic manipulation .
10 In her attempt to get closer to her mother she had unknowingly identified with the mother 's way of not explaining anything .
11 I was excitedly interested in her attempt to get back to the original Gautama , instead of the stereotyped figure of the Scriptures and Buddhist tradition , and still more thrilled by her insistence that the Buddha had a gospel , good news to the people of his contemporary India and to later generations .
12 She opened her mouth to call out to them , but no sound emerged .
13 If parents want their child to learn how to be co-operative , honest , reliable ( or other desirable things ) , smacking will not help .
14 Whether blacks are indeed being incorporated into American society is seen as a major test of its capacity to live up to its liberal and democratic ideals .
15 Paige allowed her gaze to drift out to sea .
16 Occasionally she would allow her gaze to drop on to one of the other patients with a look which Theodora could only interpret as startled amazement .
17 ‘ She 's proud and wants to convey her determination to stand up to him .
18 Other day-to-day situations that may not be attributed to visual difficulties include the extended time the children may need to complete tasks , their need to come close to the blackboard or to demonstrations , and their apparent clumsiness in certain practical activities and sports such as ball games .
19 Artaud 's initial public appearance before literary France came in the form of ‘ life ’ and not art , in the publication of his personal correspondence with Nouvelle revue française editor Jacques Rivière , after the latter had refused his poems due to their failure to live up to certain formal canons .
20 In her heart of hearts she had blamed Paul for his unrelenting pressure , but it was her own weakness , her failure to stand up to him , that was responsible for the situation .
21 This new dialectical relationship between spectator and screen image led some critics and film-makers to make large claims for the avant-garde film as inherently more progressive and political , because of its self-reflexiveness and because of its refusal to give in to the tendency of mainstream film to construct an ‘ imaginary identity ’ .
22 Bourgeois literature was unequivocally condemned on three counts : first , for its failure to voice opposition to the First World War , a failure in other words to disclose the true reality of the war as an imperialist struggle ; secondly , for its refusal to offer an accurate depiction of the Soviet revolution , a failure explained as the cowardly refusal of the bourgeois writer to disclose the deepening crisis of capitalism after 1929 , a crisis highlighted by the success of the five year plan in the Soviet Union ; finally , for its refusal to face up to the growing threat of fascism .
23 The trade unions threatened a general strike unless the National Assembly freed its agenda to move on to pressing economic questions , and anti-BSP demonstrations in Sofia drew thousands of supporters .
24 It was too late , she 'd accused him once too often , preached one too many sermons … she 'd blown her chance to get close to Guy .
25 The Notts County star had been expected to travel north to last night 's clash at Ewood Park , where money-bags Rovers lost 3-2 against Everton and missed their chance to bounce back to the top of the Premier Division .
26 But characteristically she got her way about going to art school , Beaton persuading her to get her father to come up to the academy and talk about the future of his precocious daughter .
27 The General Assembly on Sept. 22 voted by 127 votes to six ( Kenya , Swaziland , Tanzania , Yugoslavia , Zambia and Zimbabwe ) with 26 abstentions , to exclude the FRY from its proceedings and to ask it to apply for UN membership , rather than accepting its claim to succeed automatically to the General Assembly seat formerly held by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( SFRY ) .
28 They then agreed on a communiqué reaffirming " their commitment to contribute actively to a settlement of the other problems of the region " and inviting Aziz to Luxembourg .
29 They will not be led by preachers at their church to face up to the fact that there are four Gospels , that John is significantly different from the Synoptics , that the New Testament writers do not always speak with the same voice even on essential matters of faith .
30 Article 1 of the Single European Act reads : The European Communities and European political Cooperation shall have as their objective to contribute together to making concrete progress towards European unity . ’
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