Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [to-vb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Fortunately , Ewen and myself had remembered to bring along the Trophy as well as the cheque for £500 which it was my pleasure to present to The Crofter of the year — Donald Murdo Macleod , 1 The Gress , Back , Lewis .
2 As I have never been interested in argument , he must often have felt frustrated by my silences , my refusal to rise to the bait .
3 I may modify my behaviour to conform to the expectations of the group , and I will do so in a much shorter time than I would in a one-to-one relationship .
4 He replies : It 's not the type of car I 'd want my wife to take to the shops .
5 His argument was that it would free my father to return to the States , but Ron is never so simple . ’
6 After three weeks it was my turn to go to the delivery ward at Fulmer .
7 It was my turn to go to the bank for the wages and I remember going back to the shop saying King George VI had died .
8 But if , if , I can make myself whole , or be made whole with the help of others , then it is my duty to submit to the pain , of healing , the lashes of contempt .
9 I am excited and absorbed in my purpose to return to the inn but I never find my way there again .
10 The people explained their action as an attempt on their part to adhere to the principle of non-violence , but , as Gandhi pointed out , such action could more easily be interpreted as cowardice than non-violence .
11 The procedure is that : LCH gives notice of its decision to consolidate to the relevant exchange , the selling member and the buying member ; the seller is charged with the conduct of LCH 's case against the buyer ; and the buyer is charged with LCH 's case against the seller ; copies of all pleadings being supplied to LCH and LCH retaining the right to submit its own arguments to the arbitrators .
12 It will now be their responsibility to explain to the public why some cases are priorities and others not .
13 The presbytery also instructed their clerk to write to the Prime Minister , John Major , the Secretary of State for Scotland , Ian Lang , the local Member of Parliament , Jim Wallace , and the Member of the European Parliament , Winnie Ewing , asking for the law concerning child abuse to be reviewed as a matter of urgency .
14 Once she 'd made her decision to come to the Dordogne , Sabine had read up as much as possible on the area , and she knew that Bergerac wines had been overshadowed in the past by the great vignobles of Bordeaux .
15 She took a BSc honours degree in Sociology at London University , worked as a community counsellor for one-parent families in Camden and was on the literature panel of the Arts Council until their decision to return to the Government some money designated for writers ' bursaries led her to resign in disgust .
16 ‘ It had always been her ambition to go to the Holy Land and so when I arranged the trip I told her ‘ Right , now you 're going ’ .
17 DAZZLING Diana puts on an eye-catching show as she steps out of her car to go to the opera .
18 Charles and Diana did not speak as they climbed into their limousine to drive to the war memorial .
19 In the long term , the future of British pacifism lay in its capacity to adapt to the demise of the world order from which , often unconsciously , its most fundamental assumptions were derived .
20 The females move down from the cliffs , across the shingle to the breakers , scrambling over one another in their anxiety to get to the water .
21 A consequence of this may be to increase the dependence of the old people on others because they will need their help to get to the toilet and use it .
22 There had been genuine fear on some of those people 's faces when she had mentioned Martin 's name , a fear she could appreciate after what had happened to her last night , but it had n't shaken her determination to get to the bottom of the story .
23 Hedgerows existed in Saxon times and by the time Domesday was commissioned in 1086 the boundaries of parishes were so firmly fixed that William 's Norman officials were able to calculate within close limits , the exact area of thousands of settlements and their capacity to contribute to the royal exchequer !
24 It eventually capitulated days before the Panel was due to exercise its right to apply to the courts for a forced restatement of the accounts .
25 In other words , the ideology of limited intervention which the current Conservative administration espouses sits uneasily with its need to respond to the demands of industrial and property production and to those for environmental conservation and local control over land policy .
26 Some of these creatures were almost flying in their desire to get to the nomes .
27 The practical value of the study lies in its aim to contribute to the development of a tourist/visitor industry using local resources in an area of economic and social need and to the provision of information useful for the assessment of the alternative ways in which the tourist industry might be developed and jobs generated .
28 What other complexion can we put on their refusal to conform to the EEC regulations on RECHAR ?
29 We and our European Community partners have repeatedly condemned the Burmese military junta for its failure to respond to the unequivocal outcome of the May 1990 elections , as well as its continuing disregard for human rights , notably demonstrated by the house arrest of 1991 Nobel peace prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi .
30 Initially she discussed her desire to go to the funeral with her husband .
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