Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [to-vb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would also be my advice to arrange for several quotations for the finance .
2 Although we acknowledge that the National Curriculum is presented in a conservative context , and probably has to be couched in conventional terms , we are conscious of its lack of a ‘ qualitative thrust ’ , its inability to cater for all we want to offer all our students .
3 The Historic Buildings Council was unable to increase its grant to pay for this work and it was only because of the intervention of the chairman of the planning committee that an exceptional grant to cover the extra cost was obtained from Southwark Council .
4 On July 23 the Soviet Union made public its intention to apply for full membership of the IMF and the World Bank .
5 Not that he tried to hold on to her and not that Travis appeared to think there was anything out of the way in the two of them embracing — she gathered she had their engagement to thank for that .
6 After all , the paper has not cost you anything : your girl-friend has encouraged her boss to look for blank A4 pages for the impecunious student ; or , girls , your boy-friend works in an office where his wastepaper basket would be full of the stuff if he did not remember your need .
7 Pregnancy is acceptable , but should a woman lose her baby she will lose her right to apply for such a post .
8 In the case of estate agents , it is their business to act for numerous principals : where properties are of a similar description , there will be a conflict of interest between the principals each of whom will be concerned to attract potential purchasers to their property rather than that of another .
9 Whilst the extension of the franchise and Christopher Addison 's hopes for building the ‘ homes fit for heroes ’ showed a genuine desire for the radical elements in government to reform British society , the fact that Britain needed to export nearly one-third of her output to pay for essential imports necessitated the re-establishment of settled trading patterns and the development of new markets .
10 Many of the children in care were young , and unless positive steps to plan for their future were taken , they would continue like the older children in their sample to wait for lengthy periods in care .
11 Yet in the 1980s Britain missed its chance to reach for those targets .
12 As we saw modern Marxists have reworked their theory to account for these changes while still maintaining the centrality of Marx 's original insights .
13 On 7 June 1991 Auld J. granted her leave to apply for judicial review and directed that the suspension be stayed pending the determination of the judicial review proceedings .
14 Crilly tells me that his mother has worked all her life to pay for this house .
15 ‘ All my high points are related to the team effort , the commitment the lads showed on the field and to their ability to play for 80 minutes against top quality opposition .
16 An integral part of deterrent operations , the parade and display were part of an open day for the public , designed to show the Danes who and what had flown into their country to exercise for two weeks .
17 In eighteen thirty five she returned as a teacher , her salary to pay for first Emily 's , and then Anne 's tuition there .
18 While some British officials were interested in the Schuman Plan , the Labour Party rejected it as something that would limit its ability to strive for democratic Socialism in Britain ‘ and to apply the economic controls necessary to achieve it ’ .
19 He told magistrates he is using his car to search for new shops to relaunch his business career .
20 Ruffled , and pent-up in his urge to plump for some outright and decisive plan , he grabbed the poker and hit the smouldering coals .
21 Responding to the resolution on May 20 , Iraq 's permanent representative at the UN , Abdul Amir al-Anbari , requested a moratorium of five years on war reparations in order for his country to pay for essential supplies and reconstruction which , he said , would cost " many times [ Iraq 's ] oil revenue " .
22 Browning is being held on remand at Winsom Green Prison in Birmingham , but he says his defence is being prejudiced because his solicitor to travel for five hours from Wales to see him .
23 Odyssey also comes with host mode which means you can set your computer to wait for incoming calls .
24 Also , because smoking tends to be associated with a lower body mass index , our inability to adjust for any confounding due to body weight will have tended to result in an underestimation of the effect of smoking .
25 ‘ Having read your manifesto I feel bound to add that your racist policies , your opposition to aid for third world countries , and your proposals for the quarantining of those carry the AIDS virus are deeply repugnant to the Christian consciousness . ’
26 Whether or not early retirement and high unemployment continue , however , they should not blind us to the need to consider other factors which influence our capacity to care for dependent populations .
27 I have set out our determination to work for that agreement and the principles on which the agreement will need to be based .
28 Plan your work to allow for mental and physical variation .
29 You need £100 in your account to qualify for free banking .
30 Er I wan na get my car first this year so that gives me time to save for next year .
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