Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [vb base] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 For our part , we have learnt a considerable amount about the world beyond school , made many friends , and seen our school and its curriculum develop in a positive healthy way .
2 Jenny found herself dragged uncomfortably over the gear-stick and hand-brake , her left cheek was pressed in against her teeth by the pressure of an ardent but misdirected kiss and she felt a button on her cardigan give with a violence which boded ill for Marks and Sparks cowering beneath .
3 What can a woman of her age want with a young girl ? ’
4 Was its success depend on a proper investment of resources by the school ?
5 It was so cold she thought the mucus would freeze inside her nose and her brain congeal to a ridged knob of ice .
6 Susan had her chauffeur draw into a space beside City Hall marked RESERVED , and got out of the car .
7 For example , the adjectives affable and amiable which describe Mrs Moreen and her family refer to a superficial benignity of manner , rather than to the more solid social qualities which would be suggested by such Anglo-Saxon equivalents as friendly and kind-hearted .
8 Kadiatu and her family live on a meagre rice diet and so suffer from protein and calorie malnutrition .
9 She could feel the tremors of his heart go from a steady pounding to something more erratic .
10 He and all his kind meet in a tavern outside the city on the Mile End Road — it 's called the Gaveston .
11 The wind whisked past her ears , her stomach lurched ; she opened her eyes and saw the white , freckled child screaming , his mouth open like a great dark cave , clinging on to the side of the boat with his frail clean-scrubbed little hands .
12 Hendrique 's head was tilted back , his mouth open in a silent scream .
13 Miles felt the confusion in his mind grow into a relentless horror .
14 Toubon and his wife live in a former atelier used by Fernand Leger in the 6th arrondissement in Montparnasse and are friendly with a number of leading Paris contemporary art dealers .
15 ’ He and his court live in a luxury that is as excessive as his subjects ' poverty , ’ Posi concluded , in one of her most disapproving tones .
16 Although his weekend stay in a freezer owned by Farepack in Swindon is comparitively tropical to the temperatures he 's likely to encounter at the North Pole .
17 The operation of your commercial Meet at a known and predetermined cost per annum allowing a much more realistic vehicle budget to be met .
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