Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 My enjoyment was only tempered by my fear of pumping out .
2 But it is my way of getting out of a sticky situation .
3 My Member of Parliament responded to my appeal by pointing out that their refusal is in line with the law .
4 I want to devote all my time to finding out who murdered Sandy .
5 I sit in front of the television and impress my girl-friend by pointing out all the faults of the players ; it is much more comfortable and less dangerous than participation , and my girl-friend thinks I am wonderful .
6 Females also indicate their enthusiasm by giving out signals such as changes in the shape and colour of their genitals , and possibly a discharge of hormones in their faece or urine .
7 All too often she had to watch the garment she had set her heart on disappear out of the store inside one of the giant shiny carrier bags with rope handles .
8 The dispute stemmed from new contracts introduced in October 1990 under which dentists receive four-fifths of their income from carrying out a range of 300 operations .
9 Many of them usually earn their living by carrying out valuations on behalf of brewery companies .
10 The most dangerous of all the spiders is the black widow , a small species that is common throughout America and which responds to vibrations of its web by rushing out and biting what it considers to be its next meal .
11 He acknowledges her humiliation by jumping out of his side of the car , coming round to hers , opening the door for her and waiting ostentatiously for her awkwardly to tuck her legs inside before closing it with a little bow .
12 She opens the car door , but pauses in her seat before getting out .
13 They called on the newly-formed British Horseracing Board to demonstrate its independence by carrying out its own inquiry .
14 In theory , these criticisms are designed to help researchers to improve their work by pointing out ( for instance ) poor techniques , illogical conclusions or misanalysed data .
15 News and Views gets a flavour of her work from sorting out chip butties to banquets .
16 She added another scene to her fantasy of brushing out Boy 's long black hair .
17 If this assertion is correct , then it would not matter if the standing requirement was abolished entirely , provided some other mechanism was put in its place for weeding out hopeless and crank cases .
18 For instance , a group of adolescents intending to look at how a family might drive one of its members to suicide , began their drama by working out the family 's relative positions round the graveside , concerning themselves with ‘ how it would look if it were a still photograph ’ .
19 Later technical changes in transport were to make it possible for the city to change its nature by spreading out great suburban dormitories , and electrification would help to decentralize industry .
20 A working party , chaired by Robin Bidwell of the consultancy Environmental Resources , sets out proposals for a scheme to provide ( i ) a framework within which environmental consulting groups can declare their competence for carrying out environmental auditing and ( ii ) a code of practice to be followed when undertaking environmental audits .
21 Take her chance on slipping out of the door into the street and away .
22 Pierre Chambon ( Institut de Chimie Biologique , Strasbourg ) described an ambitious set of experiments aimed at elucidating their role by knocking out each of the eight isoforms in separate lines of transgenic mice .
23 The decision to put the technology division up for sale marks an about-turn for Chrysler which has spent more than $1billion in the last four years on its policy of diversifying out of cars into related areas .
24 Personality and temperament play a part in the attitudes people hold about maintaining a safe environment and affect their efficiency in carrying out the activities involved .
25 According to present-day ideas , a star begins its career by condensing out of a cloud of dust and gas known as a nebula .
26 Mrs Thatcher rejected a personal campaign , preferring to emphasise her stature by carrying out her normal official duties which included a visit to Ulster and attendance at the Security and Cooperation summit in Paris ( where she was when the result of the first ballot was announced ) .
27 After she had washed and dressed in warm cord trousers , leather boots and a thick sweater , she this time took the precaution of collecting her anorak before going out to her car and driving off in the direction of Great Yarmouth .
28 I advised and charged them not to stretch themselves beyond their line by speaking out of the [ local ] society , or by fancying themselves public teachers .
29 The book claimed that cancer and other deformities were mistaken wills , were new organs to meet new needs dreamed up in the deep unconscious , and that therefore they should be treated not with surgery but with interest and affection — humanity was limiting its potential by cutting out the tumours , blasting the cells .
30 Trumpet fish may even locate their prey by listening out for fish 's calls .
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