Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [noun] go [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I set the lower limit to 50bpm and willed my resting pulse to go down till the bleeper sounded , by which time I was breathing deeply and totally relaxed .
2 My application form went off to the town hall first class , posted in Darlington on the morning of Friday March 20 .
3 My breakfast party went off very well indeed , ‘ as far as talk was concerned .
4 cos my alarm clock goes off at half-seven , it goes cockle-doodle-doo !
5 When a little brown bat detects an insect and starts to move in on an interception course , its click rate goes up .
6 ‘ People come here aged maybe 50 or 60 and their blood pressure goes down to what it was in adolescence , they are no longer constipated , digestive problems seem to disappear , their sex lives improve , their eyes are shiny and they have a feeling of optimism instead of carrying a heavy load of despondency .
7 While this is less true , or even untrue at the bottom of the organization , those at the top share directly in the benefits of organizational goal achievement , such as seeing their stock values go up , deferred compensation , and fringe benefits …
8 She was a popular choice — though a reluctant nominee — and her Medau roots go back to her days of early motherhood when Dr Anni Noll encouraged her to try Medau with Molly and Peggy .
9 You see , it was her shopping Mabel went back for , so she feels responsible .
10 Then her husband Jean-Marie went round to Mr Laroche 's house and shot him dead .
11 But Linda says althouigh she welcomes the apology her court case goes on .
12 I would venture to suggest that it is Helen Bews and her like who should accept that their world view went out with the Empire !
13 She set her alarm clock to go off at hourly intervals throughout the night , but even before its first summons she was disturbed .
14 Those who had time also diligently collected their most important legal documents — the deeds of ownership to property , the maps of their orange groves and fields , their tax returns and their identity papers going back to Ottoman times — and packed them into bags and tins along with family heirlooms and jewellery and their front door keys .
15 When her son Arnold went off to war , Emily felt completely at a loss , and was grateful for any help that was offered her .
16 England full back Jonathon Webb said his farewells to rugby union at the weekend , as his side Bath went down to Gloucester 16-17 .
17 The rear gunner loosed off a round of deadliness in the general direction of the fighter , but , it seemed , he was not the target and Biggins could only watch in morbid fascination as his wing man went down in flames .
18 Most of his art activity went on out of doors .
19 The troublesome lamps flank the couch , where constituents sit and watch their congressman appear and disappear ; and the only thing that saved Orton from rushing to the floor to cast phantom votes when his clock buzzer went off was the fall-back alarm system , a personal bleeper .
20 He was in charge of the resupply of the English forces during the 1589 Portuguese expedition , and he and his supply ships went on to sack the island of Porto Santo .
21 We encourage all our members and particularly those in the UK not to let your renewal date go by without finding out how much you can save by availing of Autocover .
22 Is your tape ring going round ?
23 One of them , Mr Bob Monkhouse , the entertainer , said : ‘ Nothing ever happens here and we never see the police unless our burglar alarm goes off unexpectedly . ’
24 When your reminder device goes off , do n't hurry .
25 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
26 We broke that , or that was broke er , but we 'll blame the carrier now and look at it , then our security guy goes out and they know it 's been sitting around someone 's you know , it 's been there for months !
27 Cos look at I mean in our street , our area alarms going off .
28 Salutations 0 Mighty Apollo ! glad your music tour went down well , playing the fiddle standing on your head while drinking a glass of water is very clever , none but a Nero could do it , but you really should not have set fire to the auditorium as an encore .
29 You may find your insurance bill goes up , however .
30 As well as the various skills , these also show popularity and notoriety — sign a popular player and your gate receipts go up .
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